Still have questions? Every interview question is a … And 'We all are mad,' means, 'All of us are mad.'. Difference in pronunciation between 'warship' and 'worship'? We are all good. Greetings from _____ [fill in a … Subject phrase: 'Both of us' like sailing. There are, however, some contexts where we all are would be used. The skiing is fine. We are all is much more frequent than we all are in both the Corpus of Contemporary American English and in the British National Corpus. GOP lawmaker's death brings home reality of COVID-19, Jennifer Lopez responds to claims about her looks, Brady, Brees share special moment after playoff game, What to expect from Biden on student loans, Man lived inside airport for 3 months before detection, Trump chided Comey in newly revealed letter draft, Michelle Obama shows off her natural curls in birthday selfie, Mahomes scare offers stark reminder to Chiefs, A 'Major' celebration for Biden's history-making pooch, 'You are outnumbered': Stunning new Capitol video, Rebekah Jones in jail after Florida issues warrant. English speakers tend to mistakenly correct themselves by saying "I am well" instead of "I am good" because they recognize that "am" is a verb, a form of "to be." We mistakenly think that love means accepting the person, sin and all, with no moral judgments about his behavior. I'm not knowledgeable enough to explain why, unfortunately. Leverage top interview answers to common questions to catch a hiring manager’s attention and stand out from the crowd. Select all correct responses: We take it for granted that people have definite moral character traits (good or bad). 10. But other people shouldn't have to breathe in your smoke while they're trying to enjoy a meal at a restaurant. Be sure to also check out our grammar and writing blog where we will be bringing you regular tips to help improve your writing and knowledge of the English language. What does adding "bien" to a word do in french? Calculating the area under two overlapping distribution. "It's not perfect, and I'm fine with that." “…programs that each perform…” vs “…programs that each performs…”: which is correct? How can a GM subtly guide characters into making campaign-specific character choices? Are they all … [correct] In other words, when as well as is part of the subject, the verb must agree with the noun before as well as. @JohnLawler I agree enthusiastically with that comment, Professor, which is why I tried to include a handful of qualifiers in my last paragraph. To put this more simply, yes, it can sound different to say it with a different word order, and thereby suggest or imply something different from what the other word order implies. Verbs after as well as come in –ing form. “It was a seriously fine feast, and all sourced from the island's astonishing natural larder. See usage examples. In these cases, both the sentances are correct. Does “snide” mean something different in the US vs the UK? Moral psychology suggests a. the character traits we normally think in terms of don't correlate very well to behaviors. what words should you never use/try to avoid using? All told, we’re code-making machines (we speak the code of English) and we’re wired to find meaning out of nonsense, in part by looking at contextual cues. Is this kitchen wall parallel with the joists load-bearing. (note: this means ‘We all agreed with each other that we needed to improve our English.’) 4. For the sake of others reading these comments, I'll add that context, intention, vocal intonations (when the words are spoken, of course), and other factors greatly influence the eventual conveyed meaning in each case (or at least what one hopes was conveyed). the reply could be "Who we are? can be correct; for example, if somebody says "I don't know anymore who we are." They simply have different uses. Is blurring a watermark on a video clip a direction violation of copyright law or is it legal? You can sign in to vote the answer. Except we aren’t fine. Are the longest German and Turkish words really single words? Prachi goyal says: Print a conversion table for (un)signed bytes. All the men have been seen. Both can be correct depending on the context. The word "all," before pronouns, always takes "of [object pronoun]". Correctable Violations (Fix-It Tickets) and Getting Proof of Correction Your traffic ticket may be a “correctable violation” or a “fix-it” ticket. This is a case in which it can be useful to talk about denotation and connotation. Everything was going to be just fine. Fine with them but not with me.. A: I am available on Mondays and Wednesdays between 3 and 5. It's grammatically correct but it sounds incredibly archaic. Firstly, let's see what the correct sentence should be - "It isn't fair that people judge others by their mistakes". Order of Correlative Conjunction + Preposition, One class classifier vs binary classifier. Are there any differences between “penultimate”, “the last but one” and “second to last”? All this confusion can easily be avoided if you just remove the second party from the sentences where you feel tempted to use “myself” as an object or feel nervous about “me.” You wouldn’t say, “The IRS sent the refund check to I,” so you shouldn’t say … In English, merely adjusting word order can significantly change the connotation of a sentence without changing its factual, denotative meaning. How do I provide exposition on a magic system when no character has an objective or complete understanding of it? What is the highest road in the world that is accessible by conventional vehicles? If we say "All is well " it means all … 713 likes. Native English speakers, could you please help me with these issues? All can be used to mean either: (1) every one (of some items) or (2) a single substance in its entirety.In the former case, you would use all are since the topic includes every one of some set of items. Explanation of the English phrase "I'm perfectly fine (doing something)": If you're "perfectly fine" with something, it means that you don't have any problems with it: If you want to smoke in your own home, that's perfectly fine. Stack Exchange network consists of 176 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers. Both are grammatical, but the first is more usual. In Britain we would say: 'All of the information is correct' or 'The information is correct.' Did "Antifa in Portland" issue an "anonymous tip" in Nov that John E. Sullivan be “locked out” of their circles because he is "agent provocateur"? When we put a verb after as well as, we use the -ing form of the verb. "Get used to cold weather" or "get used to the cold weather"? In the latter case, you would use all is since there is only one item or substance for which the entire amount is being addressed.. For example: Every one of these apples is good. If you find it helpful, we would appreciate it if you could help us spread the word by tweeting, sharing on Facebook, blogging about us or simply telling your friends in person. The statement I made on Saturday, the first statement, was a fine statement. b. one or more psychologically defined character traits may correlate somewhat to behavior. But it explains the reason I chose not to participate in the Love Your Spouse Challenge. First one is definitely more prevalent, but I think the second has more elegance about it. might be We all are, and not We are all. In Argentina, we generally answer ” I´m fine and you? ‘The weather was fairly fine and we managed to get in a game or two on most days.’ ‘The fine weather added to the enjoyment of the trip and well done to the organisers who ensured that everyone had a great time.’ ‘However, in all this fine weather, something else has come out - insects.’ However, others will differ, since making fine distinctions between alternative and semantically identical syntactic variants is very idiosyncratic; most people don't make the same judgements. But there is a different meaning for both the sentances. :). But no, that does not mean that one sounds worse or wrong. All is well or all are well. What is the current school of thought concerning accuracy of numeric conversions of measurements? Please note: Information is 'uncountable'. 'We are all mad,' means, 'We are totally mad.' I wonder about this. The answer to the question Who is responsible? Find another word for correct. Though both are grammatically correct, but have different meanings. Find more ways to say correct, along with related words, antonyms and example phrases at, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. I was fine with the whole thing.. I trust you are doing splendidly and enjoying the season. ... “We should take advantage of the fine weather and head to the beach. I send you and your esteemed colleagues my warm wishes. So. 'all the following are' OR 'the following are all'. Each of the men left. Each of these ways of saying it is grammatically correct, and has the same fundamental content. A: I will be available tomorrow at 10:00. Both are grammatical, but the first is more usual. tags: action, change, destiny, empowerment, inspirational, life, mistakes, motivational, success. Use that and you are likely to impress your listener! Does anyone here know how to read Arabic? 2. Both are fine and there's no reason to prefer one to the other. == Q-Float => The men have all been seen. These are all grammatical and mean the same thing. People, it's okay. If you agree to do something, Connotation refers to the implied, suggested, or secondary meanings which are, in a sense, "hidden" below the surface of the words. Besides this, we can use "we are all" alone. Reply. All is a quantifier that allows the rule of Quantifier Float, which moves a quantifier from its normal position near its focus constituent to an adverbial position. The denotation can also be thought of as the factual content of the statement. ... We've all screwed up. Greetings from all of us at _____ [fill in organization name]. Q: When will you be available? Yes, perfection is the only acceptable outcome. Perhaps the subtext is, “I know you have had health multiple issues. They do not mean precisely the same. I suppose you'd say "all (people) are fine," but it's correct to say "all is fine", meaning everything is fine. . Another reason we do not correct those in sin is that we have inadvertently bought into the tolerant, relative morality of our culture. These all are grammatical and mean the same thing. I'd be fine with the distance, but I haven't cycled with a heavy load for a long time.. When spoken, do we actually pronounce them identically? On the other hand, the connotation of each tends to be somewhat different. If it is addressed to one person, it is unusual and perhaps a bit odd but not wrong. They are always singular. The denotation, or in other words, the specific, explicit meaning is the same. Hi. That apart, as a non-native speaker, you would be wise to stick to We are all when something else follows. So "all of us, all of them, all of you." == Q-Float => The men each left. How difficult is it to find a TEFL job as a non - native? Does the second one sound worse to a native speaker? Can ISPs selectively block a page URL on a HTTPS website leaving its other page URLs alone? What is the simplest proof that the density of primes goes to zero? ” to this question, we ´re quite friendly no matter all the difficulties we have… and we have a lot lately!!! In the original sentence Q-Float can move all to either of two places: All of these are grammatical, and mean the same thing. (note: this means ‘My husband and I agree with each other about /on most things.) My husband and I agree about /on most things. Trump: “I wanted to make sure, unlike most politicians, that what I said was correct — not make a quick statement. Which is preferable: “We are all…” or “We all are…”? However the codes can only be scrambled to a certain degree before we get lost. We are a couple who pretend everything is fine… If you say that something is fine, you mean that it is satisfactory or acceptable. Now, in this case, just exactly what is implied by the two different word orders is something I won't go into at length, but I will say that in my opinion the first usually does have a more concrete, definitive, factual quality about it, whereas the second can be, and sometimes is, used for more eloquent, or sometimes even poetic, locutions. If “Are you all fine” is addressed to many people and intended as “Are all of you fine?” then it is completely standard and unexceptionable. ? The answer to the question Who is responsible? Another word for correct. I think each of these conveys the same idea. might be We all are, and not We are all. We are all fine. It’s ok; we all make them. ... most correct. There are, however, some contexts where we all are would be used. We are all fine sounds better to the ear. site design / logo © 2021 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under cc by-sa. How was the sound for the Horn in Helms Deep created? “I hope you all/both are doing well” vs “I hope you are all/both doing well”? It only takes a minute to sign up. (This might sound really strange to a non … In english uncountable things do not have a plural. "There was a storm last night, but all is well now. rev 2021.1.18.38333, The best answers are voted up and rise to the top, English Language & Usage Stack Exchange works best with JavaScript enabled, Start here for a quick overview of the site, Detailed answers to any questions you might have, Discuss the workings and policies of this site, Learn more about Stack Overflow the company, Learn more about hiring developers or posting ads with us. While speaking it is fine to some extent, but while writing, it goes unnoticed. I am fine with the explanation.. I hope you and your coworkers are fine. I hear the first one more frequently. Thank you for your constant help and assistance. Correct: being in agreement with the truth or a … What are people using old (and expensive) Amigas for today? @WendiKidd "Who we are?" "We all" is not an uncommon construction in nonstandard usage, but it's not correct in standard English (you need a partitive genitive: "all of us are fine" is OK); use "we are all fine". It's fine to ask questions as we go along, but it's better if you wait until we have finished. Both are fine. How do you think about the answers? How can a monster infested dungeon keep out hazardous gases? We send you our best wishes. I understand this answer is an automatic response to a question mostly asked to be polite. My parents are making me learn to drive can they do this? To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. Exactly as the emphasis in style (boldface) above, the emphasis in pronunciation too stays with. Join Yahoo Answers and get 100 points today. What happens to a photon when it loses all its energy? We are all is much more frequent than we all are in both the Corpus of Contemporary American English and in the British National Corpus. English Language & Usage Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for linguists, etymologists, and serious English language enthusiasts. "All is well" would be correct when talking about a situation. Learn from them so they can empower you!” ― Steve Maraboli, Life, the Truth, and Being Free. But, God’s Word gives us absolute standards for right and wrong behavior. I hope you are fine. (The information that we are talking about) 'All information' does not specify which information you are referring to. Just because 'fair' and 'their' are homophones, people can easily get confused with them. "We all" is not an uncommon construction in nonstandard usage, but it's not correct in standard English (you need a partitive genitive: "all of us are fine" is OK); use "we are all fine". A reasonable personal connotation. The first sentence is not grammatical. Yes, you get only one chance to make a first impression. Q: When are you available? We all agreed that we needed to improve our English. 56 synonyms of correct from the Merriam-Webster Thesaurus, plus 109 related words, definitions, and antonyms. Get your answers by asking now. Easily get confused with them ” or “ we are all trying to enjoy meal. ; for example, if somebody says `` I do n't correlate very well behaviors! Meaning for both the sentances or `` get used to cold weather '' ``... `` all is well now 'Both of us are mad, ' means 'We. Writing, it goes unnoticed do this enough to explain why, unfortunately pronoun ] '' Exchange... ; we all are mad, ' means, 'All of the verb,!, was a seriously fine feast, and all sourced from the island 's natural! Job as a non - native we go along, but I each... [ object pronoun ] '' and your esteemed colleagues my warm wishes, '' it better! Smoke while they 're trying to enjoy a meal at a restaurant 'worship ' wise... 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