Every REST API offers a series of URLs to fetch, create, update, and delete data on a server. 2. I added an in-memory database and loaded up the NIST 800–53 controls XML file from my OpenRMF application into that one table in memory that I can query. A common one is to put the shared code in a generic method that can be reused and then break a lengthy conditional statement into separate ones. Save on to the disk. The first way I ran this is to run dotnet new webapi -n non-caching using .NET Core 2.2 to setup a Web API project. After a more in-depth investigation, I discovered that the problem was caused by the networking stack of the app, which had the wrong architecture. While it has a point, that approach doubles the types in your project and introduces a lot of boilerplate code. Open AppDelegate.swift and implement the createRecordForEntity(_inManagedObjectContext)method as shown below. You now have to write weird code in your cells to guard against this problem. This has different implications in how you write your Swift code, how you handle callbacks, and how you manage memory. Even in our little sample app, we need to make a separate network request to fetch the owner’s avatar. But you have to remember to call the You can also find him on Google+. The You have the option of ResponseCache which is cache stored on the server and/or client browser calling your API. You can see the details in the full Xcode project. Persistence. When it comes to making network requests in iOS, a high number of developers rely on a networking library like AlamoFire or AFNetworking. If you have a fast internet connection, the UI might appear immediately. 5. We also need to format the data correctly, adding decimal separators to numbers and transforming dates into a fluent sentence like shown in the app’s mockup. methodPath parameter, and the various parameters for the query. We will just transform any error into a For simple GET requests though you don’t need to use this type at all. The There are a few options on caching, and I put links at the bottom of this article for you to start your journey learning or refreshing your memory on them. If making network requests alone was not already hard enough, you have to add to it the fact that you need to run network requests asynchronously. I will first show you a common approach, which I see often and that you will probably recognize, but is not optimal. Below is how I did it and some links for safe keeping. It is common to receive media files like images or videos, which are transmitted as pure binary data. URLSession class to manage HTTP sessions. We finally reached the last step of this long article, where we fetch data from the Stack Exchange API, and we display it on screen. This is the JSON data of a question coming from the Stack Exchange API: I simplified the above JSON code to include only the fields we are interested in. It provides generalized and automated solutions to common tasks associated with object life cycle and object graph management, including persistence. Your specific implementation will differ based on your API structure. Once you understand which part of the URL Loading System allow you perform network requests directed at a REST API, it’s time to use them in your code effectively. No, they don’t. The rationale is that it makes your model types and business logic independent from the underlying data. Let’s start. More on viability and fit below. By comparison, ASP.NET 4.6 still uses the System.Webassembly that contains all the WebForms libraries and as a result is still broughtinto more recent ASP.NET MVC 5 solutions. You can find the complete Xcode project on GitHub. We can now follow the same process and create a class for API requests. And I wanted to see if I could add caching without all the hoopla of Memcached or Redis, a lot of configuration, docker or docker-compose and networks, and all that. On the internet, you can also find alternative networking libraries, which I don’t recommend using. You will have to determine how you run your APIs, your services, and your web clients and test to see which gives you the most benefit while maintaining security, simplicity, and performance. Codable. A warning about Swift: the tools are still immature. The change in results were very similar to the examples above. fetchQuestion() method fetches the data for the top questions using an instance of Now enter the caching of this API. The REST architecture for web services uses URLs to specify resources and parameters and HTTP methods to identify actions. Create a new project for JSON parsing. To see how a networked app works with slow connections, you can use the network link conditioner to slow down your network requests. There are three steps to this outlined below. URLSession instance across multiple requests requires more advanced architectural concepts that are beside the scope of this article. Many developers put all the networking code inside a single manager class. JSON is a data format made to be lightweight, easy for humans to read, and easy for machines to generate and parse. Writing the networking layer of an iOS app, though, is not a simple task. When it comes to parameters, you might have noticed we have two options: either the query string in the URL or the HTTP headers. The DataSource and SingleDataSource protocols define a way to listen for changes on a collection of persisted objects or a single object, respectively. That means we need to keep our networking code generic and not tied to the load(_:withCompletion:) method of switch in the code above violate the Open-closed principle of SOLID. You also have to decide if this feature alone justifies using a big, third party library. This is just to get you introduced to response caching in .NET Core and show you how easy it was to do. It was introduced in Mac OS X 10.4 Tiger and iOS with iPhone SDK 3.0. Each one comes with its implementation and documentation. That means that the various resources offered by the API are identified by a set of uniform resource locators or URLs. It’s a compelling alternative to SQLite and Core Data – tools that are commonly used in practical iOS development. That couples your code to the model of your app and to the networking SDK, which you should avoid. Simply put, in HTTP, we send requests to a server, which sends back responses. Whenever you update a record, Core Data loads the record into memory, updates the record, and saves the changes to the persistent store, a SQLit… Whenever the user closes the app and starts it again, all the data is gone. Using the same 5. Most REST APIs use only a subset of HTTP methods to express which actions you can perform: Some APIs can also use the And it did not hurt the data security, the truth of the information, or the user running the application. The API calls and what they are for are not the main point though. Before we dive into today's topic, I'd like to refactor the code we wrote in the previous tutorial by creating a generic method for creating records. The optional properties are for fields that, according to the documentation, could be missing. load(withCompletion:) method and use the returned array of questions to configure our UI. Note that I assume you have a basic understanding of Core Data. Diffable Data Sources were introduced at WWDC 2019 as a replacement for UICollectionViewDataSource and UITableViewDataSource.The API is available on iOS 13 and up and makes it easy to set up lists of data in which changes are managed through so-called snapshots. My biggest concern about using a networking or any third-party library can be summarized in one sentence: you add a substantial external dependency to your project. optional parameters to filter or sort the data in the response; an associated model type into which data needs to be converted. And this rule, of course, includes me too. And a fast response time to a user that is using your web application or mobile application, calling a lot of APIs and data, is a big deal! To do this, open the Core Data model editor, select the Entity that needs a unique contraint and use the Data model inspector in the right-hand sidebar to add Constraints . By putting together the elements I listed above, you can finally write the code to perform a remote API call and get back some data. Turns out after I researched and read up a bit, it was pretty easy to do. However, Core Data does have a few weak spots, updating large numbers of records being one of them. AlamoFire has an extension to request images asynchronously through the Many developers simply put together pieces of networking code they find on Stack Overflow, o use a networking library. Data comes in different formats, like binary data (for media files), JSON, XML, Markdown, HTML, or others. The problem is easy to understand. The first thing your browser requests is the HTML source code of a page. Working with Core Data used to be verbose and it is the framework's verbose API that led to the emergence of many, many third party libraries over the years. Swift can bring clarity to our code, thereby making it easier in some ways to use Core Data. Are there policies, rules, use cases, or even laws around caching my specific content? There are a few things you have to do in order to enable caching. And since I named some properties in the For the whole page to render, the browser needs to retrieve each resource separately and does so in a single session. We can get some type-safety and Swift-only features like enums and optionals. You now depend on an external party to fix it. Media files are usually kept on a CDN. And I had to ask myself… could I cache my data and have it still be relevant? Overview. Data sources. Basically, I am sending back a list of NIST controls in the / call and just the major family listing in the 2nd. The caveat, however, is that managed object contexts are unaware of each others existence. We could put the code there, but that would lead to callback hell, so it’s better to have a separate method. See the image just below for the performance information. How you do that depends on the specifics of your user interface. This article focuses on the data model of a Core Data application. When thinking performance, there are some non-complex ways to quickly add great performance to .NET Core Web APIs. Realm has three distinct products: I am also getting older, so putting it here helps me when I forget what I did! You can move into a separate parser class, as I often see, but you will just move the problem somewhere else. NetworkManager class, because someone, somewhere, told us that’s the way to do it. You access any REST API through the internet. Swift + Core Data . I could use some tips perhaps:) I thought I could create an App which will list the items currently on sale on an external web shop.I know the people working there and they are based in my area. How To Synchronize Core Data with a Web Service – Part 1. Realm is a database library (and platform) for iOS, Android and the web. Decoding the JSON data returned by a REST API using the Codable protocols. But without best practices and robust architecture, you soon end up with unmanageable spaghetti code. In the case of structured data like JSON, parsing is also quite straightforward. It’s the caller that needs to specify the correct return type, moving the responsibility out of the network layer. In this article, I am not going to cover error handling, which is a topic by itself. Since we are using a static table view here, we can set the height of both cells to zero while loading. In practice though using a shared I am fairly new to iOS programming and want to make my first App for the Apple Store and my portfolio. First of all, this is an opinionated subject, and you will find many opinions on this topic. Undo and Redo of … This is a post by iOS Tutorial Team Member Chris Wagner, an enthusiast in software engineering always trying to stay ahead of the curve. You are the one that has to adapt, so it’s better to look at the data the API returns before defining your types. Core Data Swift Jun 02, 2020 Oct 29, 2020 • 5 min read Core Data Performance: 6 tips you should know. A data model is a description of the data you want Core Data to store, and is a bit like creating a class in Swift: you define entities (like classes) and give them attributes (like properties). You can see from the data returned by the API that the owner of a question is returned as a separate object. The latter of the two performs the actual transfer of data. And it did not hurt the data security, the truth of the information, or the user running the application. Since network requests to REST APIs go through the internet, they rely on protocols and standards you need to understand if your app relies on the network to retrieve its data. fetchAvatar(for:) method of our URLSession instance to make multiple requests allows you to share configurations or take advantage of technologies like HTTP/2 Server Push when available. The team had to spend a lot of time removing the libraries and rewriting all the code that used them. Some web services, though, might use other formats. Now, let’s see why I recommend not to use networking libraries in your iOS apps. There are a couple of notable built-in features such as 1. change tracking of data, 2. undo and redo to data 3. It is used to manage data/models. As we have seen, not all our network request are sent to a REST API. Do not just do what someone tells you to do. In the rest of this article, we will create a simple app to fetch the top question about iOS development on Stack Overflow. As its name implies, you use the Before we write some Swift code, let’s discuss what Realm Database is. Learn Core Data with Swift! If someone updates data and it does not show the changes for 30 or 60 seconds, is that harmful or showing incorrect results? You have the In-memory caching which is where you can store items in memory (duh!) No doubt. So, again, we start by analyzing the requirements from the point of view of the caller. We keep running into different problems because we try to cram code into the Add & Delete in Core Data. ASP.NET Core response caching. If you want to follow along, you can download the source files at the bottom of this tutorial. And that is assuming that the library is well maintained by its developers. fetchQuestion() method. All that code you didn’t write is now, all of a sudden, there for you to sift through. You should know how to insert and retrieve data through Core Data. APIRequest. This resource structure can be then fed to a generic method that makes the network request. To solve the problems I have shown you, a common approach is to take out into a separate resource structure all the parameters that cause the lengthy conditionals or the code repetition. And dependencies always come with costs: If something does not work, you now have a massive chunk of code you need to understand and debug. The regular “/” endpoint and then a “/majorcontrols” endpoint. We place this code again into a protocol extension: Don’t forget to add a weak self reference to the capture list of the completion handler of any asynchronous method like It must be said that knowing the entire iOS URL loading system works can be daunting. of your web server / container running your API. Architecture is a topic I often cover in my articles because this is the vital foundation of every iOS app. Core Data abstracts the details of mapping your objects to a store, making it easy to save data from Swift and Objective-C without administering a database directly. It’s easy to make an app by throwing some code together. It’s easy to say: “I need to get some data from a REST API.” But such sentence hides a ton of complexity. And often, this web service is a REST API that returns data in JSON format. Below is an overview of the application design showing how the classes are structured and how they work together to get the meetup groups: As you can see in the below image when I call the / API endpoint with a regular GET and no parameter options, it takes on average .38ms or 380 nanoseconds to “call” and then almost 4ms to “get” the content. Performing network requests in an iOS app does not merely amount to adding some extra code. No matter what architectural design pattern you use in your app, you always need model types to represent the data and the business logic of an app. Moreover, many parts of the app’s architecture need to interact, making the task more complicated than it seems. REST works over the Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP), which was created to transmit web pages over the internet. This is something I don’t get. Core Data is an object graph and persistence framework provided by Apple in the macOS and iOS operating systems. Third-party libraries also have large documentation, FAQs, migration guides, and many questions on Stack Overflow. In one of my examples in GitHub I had to use the VaryByQueryKeys so I cache the data correctly based on the 2 parameters used for that API. You should research the types below to determine which you will need. You need to carefully consider all the pros and cons when deciding whether you should use any library in a project. What happens when the next versions of iOS and Swift come out, and the library stops working? User and In addition, we can use functional paradigms in Swift that we can’t use in Objective-C. I wanted to cache lists of values and data used and reused, and it did not matter what user requested it. There is HTML code in the GitHub repo that can show you how to call this with a web page correctly. These are unique to each API. We then need a custom view controller with a few outlets that connect to our UI elements. Interface pollution is a symptom of the violation of another SOLID principle, the Interface segregation principle. It's as simple as that. I just had code in .NET Core 2.2 I used this for. All we need to do is add new classes. You may be able to do the same. If you interact with a Windows server, you might receive data in the SOAP format, which requires you to write a custom parser, since it based on XML. NetworkRequest protocol was also not that complicated. If you prefer Objective-C, then I recommend reading my earlier series on the Core Data framework. Wrapper  structure because, for consistency reasons, the data of every response is wrapped in another JSON object. Filtering 4. Saving to Core Data. Even if we are still working with questions, we need to make two different network requests for that, because fetching the data of a single question requires different parameters. The solution here is to split resources into multiple types which can then share a standard interface and functionality through protocol-oriented programming. See the GitHub repo for more information. Useful Links. In Core Data, an attribute can be of one of several data types. You can always refactor your code when its structure does not fit your needs anymore. Writing Core Data code with performance in mind helps to prepare your app for the future. Realistically, 57ms is NOT a long time to humans. And since I was so shocked at how easy this was for .NET Core Web APIs I was thinking others may want to learn this quickly as well. This will be clearer by the end of the article. Like on other platforms, in iOS you don’t interact directly with the networking hardware, but rely on a more abstract layer, called URL Loading System. The HTTP headers are for parameters related to the request itself, for example, authentication headers. In this series, I will work with Xcode 7.1 and Swift 2.1. QuestionsResource value. For a single user on a local computer serving local content it won’t make too huge of a deal. After you understand how the HTTP protocol and REST APIs work, it’s time to make network requests from our app. But networking has a lot of hidden pitfalls. // Parse the data in the response and use it, "https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/f847f4085ff4144dfeffef53ed020b1d?s=128&d=identicon&r=PG", "Vertically align text to top within a UILabel", "https://api.stackexchange.com/2.2/questions?order=desc&sort=votes&site=stackoverflow", Representational State Transfer architecture or REST, this request file in the AlamoFire library, As you scroll through a table view and cells get reused, You can find the complete Xcode project on GitHub, the four-layered version described in Apple’s documentation, keeping model types decoupled from data decoding, Model-View-Controller in iOS: A Blueprint for Better Apps, Become an iOS Developer in 2020: The Ultimate Guide, Passing Data Between View Controllers in iOS: the Definitive Guide, Network Requests and REST APIs in iOS with Swift (Protocol-Oriented Approach), JSON Decoding in Swift with Codable: A Practical Guide.

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