Find the chest using your Witcher Senses and take possession of the enhanced Bear School Gauntlets diagram. The cave entrance is in the side of a cliff. Look for a small road that connects that Blackbough signpost with the Abandoned Tower signpost. Heavy Armor with 71 Armor Rating; Adrenaline Point Gain +10%; Piercing Res +5%; Bludgeoning Res +5%; Slashing Res +5%; Monster Res +5% . 1x Superior Ursine Trousers; 1x Dark Steel Ingot; 2x Silk; 1x Hardened Leather; 1x Monster Brain . The set includes chest armor, steel and silver swords, crossbow, gauntlets, boots, and trousers, all of which are upgradeable except the crossbow. Double Fine's LucasArts Remasters Are All Coming to Game Pass Soon. Go to the south-east coast on the main island in Skellige to the cave at the Grotto signpost. You’re headed to the most northeastern island of Skellige, An Skellig. All armor diagrams are hidden at one location, and swords can be found at the remaining two locations. Go to the large ruins on the island West of the mainland with the Kaer Almhutt signpost. It consists of 6 pieces - 4 armor pieces and 2 swords. Grab the superior diagram for the Bear School Steel Sword after defeating the earth elemental that’s there. We encourage you to read our updated PRIVACY POLICY and COOKIE POLICY. The set is located in Skellige, which means you will need to unlock the travel location. Head back and hug the left wall, where you will have to fight a giant centipede. Cat (Feline) Gear Map Vendors. Armor Specs. Take that road, cutting into the forest to the east at just about the half way point between the two locations. Head in and down the staircase towards the far wall and use the switch. There will be some opposition, but when the room is clear you can use your Witcher Senses to spot a chest with the enhanced Bear School Armor diagram. Look for a big red house sinking into the ground. Fast travel to the Hangman’s Tree signpost that you found when you first entered Velen. Diagram Mastercrafted Ursine Trousers Information . The entrance is directly at sea level. Use your Witcher Senses if you’re having trouble finding it. Textures are in 2048x2048 144 ppi high resolution. Look for a cave that’s blocked by ice, using Aard to smash your way through. You can either fast travel to Urialla Harbor, or to Trail to Yngvar’s Fang. Before we begin looking for the gear, there are a few things that we need to fill you in on. A skeleton just inside will hold the diagram for the silver sword. Covering the best in video gaming. You’re looking for a cave that sits against the side of a cliff, and when you enter you can hug the right wall. You could also collect the basic Ursine Steel or Silver swords from the Ruined Inn near the south-central coast of Ard Skellig or the old fort east of Kaer Trolde, respectively. They are needed to craft Enhanced Ursine trousers. There are also matters like the materials required to build it, finding the right armorer, and ensuring that you’re a high enough level to use one of the swords or slap on a piece of armor. Trust us, Geralt is not as tough when he’s slaying monsters in his underwear. Near the back of the cave is the chest for enhanced ursine trousers. You see, this task is not as easy as finding diagrams and crafting gear. From Kaer Muire, follow the road northwest, then cut into the woods to the east about halfway between there and Wild Shore. There is a room you can get into on the east side when you arrive, but it’s guarded by some gargoyles and an ice elemental who appears to be guarding a treasure. The Ursine Armor set is featured in my Powerful Combat Build video guide. To reach these diagrams, fast travel to the Crossroads signpost in Velen, then take the only road that goes south. Next, proceed further north, with a bit of east. When you do, find the superior diagram for the Bear School Silver Sword in a chest to the right. Treasure Hunt: What Was This About Again? This modification changes the vanilla Ursine Set (Bear School) to match the look of the set in the early concept art image. Bear School Gear: Ursine Armor set Location. Enhanced Ursine Armor is a Diagram in the Witcher 3: Wild Hunt that can be crafted by an Armorsmith.. To craft this, you need: 2 Leather Straps All have a variety of customization. Xbox Series X Review: Microsoft's Powerful Next-Gen Console is Still Lacking Its Killer App PlayStation 5 Update Lets You Know If You're About to Play the PS4 Version of Game. Keep to your right once you enter, and go all the way to the end. Hug the right wall to avoid swimming and go through the hallway to a large open cavernous area where you should turn left and then right into the next corridor and open area. Telltale's Sam & Max Save the World Is Getting a Remaster From Its Original Devs. In the forest area North West of Blackbough is a cave hidden in the rock. Ursine armor is a craftable heavy armor and is part of the Bear School Gear in The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. If you are having trouble and are getting lost, take a look at the video attached at the end of the article. Grab them, find the lever with your Witcher Senses, pulling it and leaving with the goods. We will call it, northeast. This island has a level 4 drowner nest and the chest containing the diagram for your silver sword. There's a gap between two landings that you can jump across and avoid fighting most of the enemies. Head to the collapsed building up the stairs and go down inside. Then go to the pointy section beyond the campfire and claim the chest. Head around the back of the building and clear the rubble with Aard and go inside the cellar. Ursine is a Nord smuggler who can be found dead in the Nerano Ancestral Tomb. You’re looking for some ruins and a tower, and using your Witcher Senses will help you find the chest that contains the mastercrafted diagrams for the Bear School Armor, Bear School Gauntlets, Bear School Boots, and the Bear School Trousers. This will lead you to a place called the Destroyed Bastion signpost. The exact signpost you’re trying to reach is called the Ruined Tower, so fast travel straight there if that’s an option. The Mastercrafted (highest tier) Ursine Witcher Gear Set can be found in Velen (Scavenger Hunt: Bear School Gear Upgrade Diagrams Part 4). Heavy Armor with 145 Armor Rating; Adrenaline Point Gain 10%; Piercing Res +10% Materials Needed. There’s a hole in the ground on the north side of the house, filled with rocks. To the right, the slope you have to dive down before arriving in the castle. 4x Linen; 1x Shirt; 1x Monster Bone; 2x Hardened Leather; 1x Dark Steel Plate . You might have been here for a quest at some point, which means you could already have this gear. Head straight in and down the long hall to defeat the level 16 trolls in the open area. The spot you’re looking for is northwest of the Road to Bald Mountain signpost, and northeast from Olena’s Grove. More specifically, you need to go northeast from Kaer Gelen, or southeast from Yustianna’s Grotto. The Bear School gear also has another name to it in CD Projekt Red's game: the Ursine School gear. See more. Ursine armor × 1 Hardened leather × 3 Meteorite silver plate × 1 String × 5 Monster hair × 5 Add a photo to this gallery There, Gerald will make a comment about being “undermined." You’ll find the diagram on Prison Island with the Kaer Almhult signpost. The Grim Fandango, Full Throttle, and Day of the Tentacle remasters will all arrive on Xbox in a few weeks. Again, hug left in this cave and you will soon come across the desired chest. Head to the coast North East of Olena's Grove in Velen. Turn around and go through the now open first door on your left and drop down into the under section. Drop straight down and head left to the first small area which has a warning note. 1x Superior Ursine Boots; 2x Leather Scraps; 1x Hardened Leather; 1x Dark Steel Plate; 2x Monster Claw . Head up the stairs and climb over the rocks to reach the room you’ve been looking for. Even if you get beyond the bugs, it's just not worth it. If you don’t have those showing, make your way to the island and get them to pop up so you can use them as a point of reference. Vitner's Contract: Cleaning Those Hard-To-Reach Places, Things Ghost of Tsushima Doesn't Tell You. Location: Skellige - eastern side of Kaer Muire - marker: Grotto. From Wilde Shore, head south along the road a short way, cutting east into the woods. The chest is behind the stone pillar. Here you will find the chest containing the diagram for enhanced ursine armor. Here you can find a skeleton which holds the diagram for the Ursine Crossbow. That will be the last diagram needed to complete the superior variation to the Bear School Gear. Treasure Hunt: The Things Men Do For Coin... Velen Side Quest Map - including Novigrad, Contract: The Creature from Oxenfurt Forest, Scavenger Hunt: Griffin School Diagrams - Part 1, Scavenger Hunt: Bear School Gear Upgrade Diagrams - Part 1. Once you get inside the hall with the 4 locked doors, push a lever at the end of the hall to open them. Its one of the Scavenger Hunts quests in The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. It’s back to Ard Skellig to find the final piece of the enhanced Bear School Gear. Climb up some rocks, walk along a ledge and loot the skeleton with the Bear School Crossbow diagram. Follow it to the end to find the mastercrafted Bear School Steel Sword diagram behind a pillar. If you don’t see those, go to the Rogne signpost and start walking east. Enhanced Ursine armor is a craftable heavy armor and is part of the Bear School Gear in The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. In the Northen section of Flovive in Toussaint is a ruined building. Specifically, travel almost directly south from the Palisade signpost, hooking slightly east as you do. Grandmaster Ursine Armor, Silver Sword & Gauntlets Go to the village of Flovive, north-east from Beauclair, across the lake. Jump down the ledge and turn left and fight your second insect. Defeat them and head through the right-most door. Grab a boat at Marlin Coast and head North to a separate island. You’re headed to Ard Skellig. Required Level: 40 and Blood and Wine DLC. PlayStation 5 Review: Building a Foundation to Repeat the PS4's Success. Between the signposts for Yngvar's Fang and Trail to Yngvar's fang in Skellige is a building in ruins. You’re staying on Ard Skellig for this sword, but you’ll need to travel directly north from the Rogne signpost. Cyberpunk 2077 Review: Death by a Thousand Cyber-Cuts. ", Alien: Isolation Is Free on Epic and Just As Good as It Was in 2014. You’ll find the location you’re looking for is along the road, in a ruined tower. Go down the road from Wild Shore and then head East to find a cave in the side of the mountain. Well, you can take the road, but your objective will be directly north at Fort Etnir. Use your Witcher Senses to find and loot the chest inside, grabbing the enhanced Bear School Trousers diagram. Defeat the level 26 enemies and turn left to a rock near the center of the area. If you can fast travel to the Svorlag signpost, do so and take the road that moves southwest. For starters, what we’re showing you is only a diagram that you can take to a blacksmith or armorer to have them craft you some gear. Head up here to get the diagram for enhanced ursine gauntlets. There should be a symbol before this next corridor. It’s the only one, so follow it all the way to the end to find the cave that you’re looking for. Go inside and hug right to climb up some ledges. Use your Witcher Senses to spot a lever, pulling it and dropping through the hole. For the first (basic) gear each piece is marked on the map, while for enhanced, superior and mastercrafted gear you will find 3 locations on the map. This page will show you the location of all the Bear School Gear in The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, including the standard, enhanced, superior and mastercrafted variations. This site © 2021 Gamer Network Limited, a ReedPop company. deep inside caves or in a hard to reach areas so it is very hard to discover them by simply exploring game world. Perhaps the most difficult aspect of acquiring the armor is seeking out all of the diagrams and crafting reagents. It is needed to craft Superior Ursine armor. This should enter into a large room, head straight past the chair to the chest which contains the full set of basic ursine witcher armor. She is located close to the body of Moris. Another Telltale adventure property makes a comeback. Imperial, Stormcloak and Barbarian. Go South West from The Orphans of Croockback Bog to a cave at the edge of the marshy area. The Superior (2 x upgraded) Ursine Witcher Gear Set can be found in Velen (Scavenger Hunt: Bear School Gear Upgrade Diagrams Part 3). It is needed to craft Mastercrafted Legendary Ursine armor. Nightdive's Blade Runner: Enhanced Edition Won't Be Coming in 2020 After All. This time East of The Orphans of Crookback Bog is a Ruined Tower signpost. Ursine Armor Pack contains three craftable armors. Once you have the materials required and you’ve found the armorer or blacksmith to do that work, you’ll want to look at the diagram and note the level you must be to use it or wear it. You'll come across a ruined campsite with a witcher symbol which will prompt you to head to the small island North of your position. When you arrive, look for a cave with some trolls inside, killing them and snagging the enhanced Bear School Boots diagram from a chest near the campfire. Design: Enhanced Ursine Armor This page is for the Enhanced Ursine Armor in The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. The location you’re looking for is north of the Urialla signpost, or you can take the road that moves west from Trail to Yngvar’s Fang. Location: By the armor (see above) Statistics: Armor : 69; Adrenaline Point gain: +10%; Resistance to elemental damage: +20%; Resistance from taking damage from monsters: +15%; Resistance to piercing damage: +5% ; Resistance to slashing damage: +10%; Mastercrafted Ursine silver sword. There’s a bunch of goodies inside, and at the end of the tunnel, there’s a vast room where you’ll meet the three Grossbart brothers. Head North West of Hanged Man's Tree in Velen and you should find a cave before you get to the next road. Luckily, all four pieces of armor that you need for the superior version of the Bear School Gear are found in the same place. Go inside and hug left until you come to a portion that juts out slightly. Diagrams for 'set' armor & weapons (Griffin School, Cat (Feline) School, Bear (Ursine) School) in the Witcher 3: Wild Hunt are usually well hidden in chests, etc. No part of this site or its content may be reproduced without the permission of the copyright holder. Ursine armor is part of the Bear School gear in The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. Finding one of these items will start the side quest Scavenger Hunt: Bear School Gear. Their stats are equal with s Head inside and deal with the drowners, and then swim through a hole on the west side of the cave. Follow this guide to upgrade to Bear grandmaster gear. The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind All have a variety of customization options and can be upgraded using the workbench. Head for the island of Undvik, which if you’re wondering is northwest (across the water) from your last piece of gear. Grab a boat, then head to the small island that is northeast of the Marlin Coast signpost. You’ll find this just off the road that runs south of the Downwarren signpost in Velen. Heavy Armor with 120 Armor Rating; Adrenaline Point Gain 5%; Piercing Res +5%; Bludgeoning Res +5%; Slashing Res +15%; Monster Res +20%; Materials Needed. +50% Critical hit damage bonus+5%Bonus XP from humans / nonhumans, Required Lvl: 301 Enhanced Ursine Steel Sword1 Leather Scraps1 Dimetrium Ingot1 Monster Blood, +50 Critical hit damage bonus+13% Dismemberment+20% XP from Monsters+15% Adrenaline Gain, 2 Leather Scraps1 Dimertrium Ingot1 Albedo1 Monster Hair, 1 Enhanced Ursine Boots1 Dark Steel Plate2 Leather Scraps2 Monster Claw1 Hardened Leather, 1 Enhanced Ursine Gauntlets1 Dark Steel Ignot1 Meteorite Ore4 Monster tooth6 Leather Scraps, 1 Enhanced Ursine Trousers1 Dark Steel Ignot1 Hardened Leather2 Silk1 Monster Brain. You’re looking for some stone ruins, and the chest can be found by using your Witcher Senses. In the south-east side of the Kaer Muire area lies a Grotto. You’ll find a Place of Power, which is near the location you’re looking for. Heavy Armor with 71 Armor Rating; Adrenaline Point Gain +10%; Piercing Res +5%; Slashing Res +10%; Monster Res +15%; Elemental Res +20% . Go into the building and look around inside to find the chest containing the diagram. In this open section, you will find some bones with the rest of the diagrams. You’ll likely have to deal with some pirates along the way, but the diagram for the enhanced Bear School Steel Sword is up some stairs that sit to your right when you enter the fort. Armor Specs. Ursine trousers are craftable heavy armor trousers and are part of the Bear School Gear in The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. You might want to cut in a little closer to Blackbough than the Abandoned Tower. This note tells you to look for Witcher symbols which make the winding tunnels easier to navigate. If you don’t have an item, our first suggestion would be to visit a blacksmith or armorer and see if you can dismantle some items to get the materials you require. Gwent: To Everything - Turn, Turn, Tournament! Armor Specs. Ursine Armor, Boots, Trousers and Gauntlets The armor pieces from the set are located on An Skellig, the nort-eastern island. Blood and Gore, Intense Violence, Nudity, Strong Language, Strong Sexual Content, Use of Alcohol, Where to Buy RTX 3060 Ti, RTX 3070, and RTX 3080 Gaming PCs (Updated), Amazon's The Lord of the Rings Prequel: The Second Age Explained, The Best PlayStation Deals for January 2021, How to Use The Witcher 3 Cross Save Between Nintendo Switch, PC, Contract: The Mystery of the Byways Murders, Treasure Hunt: An Unfortunate Turn of Events, Treasure Hunt: Out of the Frying Pan, Into the Fire. Witcher Gear from the Bear School is some of the best armor found in The Witcher 3. Diagrams Locations. Sticking with Ard Skellig, make your way to either the Kaer Muire or Wild Shore signposts. You’re headed to Ard Skellig (if you’re not already there), and more specifically, a signpost called Grotto. Diagram Mastercrafted Ursine Boots Information . Hook around and go into the room to find the chest containing the Steel Sword diagram. The climactic third game in the fantasy RPG series, The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt is a unique combination of a non-linear story and an open world -- a character-driven, non-linear story experience focused on player choice, tactical combat and a rich, living environment. Superior Legendary Ursine armor is a craftable heavy armor and is part of the Bear School Gear in The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt with the New Game + option. Asenia transferred Ursine Armor Pack UNP from another board Asenia changed description of Ursine Armor Pack UNP Asenia attached 55924-1-1405224137.jpg to Ursine Armor Pack UNP Use the Aard sign on the rubble to move it aside, which will grant you access to a cellar. You’ll need to bring the Nehaleni’s Eye item that was given to you during the main quest, Wandering in the Dark, to make your way through an illusion. Here's where to find all the Bear/Ursine School weapons and armor items in The Witcher 3. You can find the Bear School Armor diagram, Bear School Boots diagram, Bear School Trousers diagram and Bear School Gauntlets diagram in the chest next to the throne. Ursine definition, of or relating to a bear or bears. If you click on one and make a purchase we may receive a small commission. Triangulated between Giant's Toes, Yustianna's Grotto, and Kaer Gelen is another set of ruins. Head inside and right to the back to find a chest containing the steel sword diagram between some stalagmites and the back wall. When you reach a crossroad, turn right, being careful of the level 20 wraiths that are nearby. Sometimes we include links to online retail stores. Don't miss: Turn right at the fork and you will find another witcher symbol at the next turn. Read the journal to get the next location. ursine definition: 1. relating to or like bears 2. relating to or like bears. From there, head northwest and into the woods until you find a cave. Get the best of USG in your inbox by subscribing to our newsletters. The back of this cavern is where you can find the chest and the silver sword diagram. Updating Westwood's 1997 classic is a bit harder than expected without the source code. The road to the fort has collapsed, so you’ll need to do a bit of climbing and jumping. Diagram Enhanced Ursine Armor Information . Fast travel to The Orphans of Crookback Bog signpost and head southwest through the swamps. You may have to defeat some level 26 Foglet, but then head into the cave at this location. Swery's Next Game, The Good Life, Set For Summer 2021. Just inside here is the steel sword diagram chest. Silk × 2 Cured leather × 1 Silver × 5 Leather scraps × 2 Monster liver × 1 On the left, Urialla's harbor lost in the ocean. To the left in the corner is the chest containing the steel sword diagram. Stardew Valley Just Got Beaches, Fish Tanks, Swimming Ducks, and a Whole Lot More, Nearly five years on, Eric "ConcernedApe" Barone just pushed what he says is Stardew's "biggest update yet. From the archway off the road hug right and go up the stairs. Go left along the outskirts at the ruins until you get to the back and can head in via a broken wall. Walkthrough information about the item will be added to this page as soon as possible. If you have neither of those, go to Fyke Isle and start swimming west, curling a little south after you get around the tip of a landmass. When you reach the coast, look for the Ruined Inn, using Aard to blast some debris out of the way so you can reach the basement. Armor Specs. You’ll have to cross over two roads and two mountains to get to the location you’re looking for, which is a castle basement. Both are quite common crafting components. From Flovive head North to a cave by a lake which has some giant centipedes inside. You’ll find a couple of wraiths down there, but when you deal with them you’ll also the Bear School Steel Sword diagram in a chest. You’ll have some Wraiths to deal with here, but you should be able to dispatch them without much trouble. Get to the shore to the right and go to the very end of the grotto. Enhanced Ursine Armor Go to the south-east coast on the main island in Skellige to the cave at the Grotto signpost. First, you must head to a wine cellar that is entombed beneath a rock at Flovive. Mastercrafted Ursine silver sword. The entrance can be found on the east side, by the coast. If you don’t see it, go to the Ruined Inn signpost and head east along the shore. For example, animal hides can often be dismantled into leather, and nekker eyes can be dismantled into monster eyes. On that diagram you will also find a list of materials that you must have in your inventory. The ruins will be overrun with pirates around level 12 so you will likely need to defeat them before you can continue. Enhanced Ursine Chest Armor The diagram is in a smuggler’s cave called Grotto, in the south-eastern part of Ard Skellig. Eight Days, Treasure Hunt: But Other Than That, How Did You Enjoy the Play, Treasure Hunt: Don't Take Candy from a Stranger, Treasure Hunt: Filibert Always Pays His Debts, Treasure Hunt: The Last Exploits of Selina's Gang, Treasure Hunt: The Suffering of Young Francios, Treasure Hunt: The Toussaint Prison Experiment. Your chest with the full set of Superior Ursine Armor should be here. Inside, you will find a chest to the right that contains the diagrams for the Silversword, gauntl… Start at the Rogne signpost, then take the road east, turning north when you can’t go east any longer. Ursine Armor Diagrams Location. You might have to fight them to get it, which is a fair trade given that you’re going to score a pretty cool Bear School Silver Sword diagram for your troubles. Head straight and then turn right up the stairs and climb the rubble to the top. Level 7 Wraiths may appear throughout the area. Get the motion tracker and don't go in the vents. | Xbox Series X Review: Microsoft's Powerful Next-Gen Console is Still Lacking Its Killer App, PlayStation 5 Review: Building a Foundation to Repeat the PS4's Success, Bear School Armor: Boots, Trousers and Gauntlets Diagrams, Bear School Steel Sword – Enhanced Diagram, Bear School Silver Sword – Enhanced Diagram, Bear School Armor: Gauntlets, Boots and Trousers – Superior Diagrams, Bear School Steel Sword – Superior Diagram, Bear School Silver Sword – Superior Diagram, Bear School Armor: Gauntlets, Boots, Trousers – Mastercrafted Diagrams, Bear School Steel Sword – Mastercrafted Diagram, Bear School Silver Sword – Mastercrafted Diagram. Southeast of the town Fyresdal is a ruined Inn along the coast with some enemies around level 20. See our terms & conditions. If you see a question mark that sits about where we’re describing, that’s what you’re headed for. It is needed to craft Enhanced Ursine armor. The first diagram is located in an unmarked cave north-west of Blackbough. In the village, there is a red building toward the left that is surrounded by rubble. The final piece of armor that you need to snag is back on Ard Skellig. Locate the signpost, then follow the road as it winds around the island and leads you to a fort. Diagram Location. Goodness, Gracious, Great Balls of Granite! Normal Set Map – Merchant in the village of Blackbough, near the Crow’s Perch in Velen; Enhanced Set – Blacksmith in Blackbough. Follow the road to the ruins and go behind the damaged stone wall to the right to find the complete set of diagrams for the Ursine Armor. Ursine Armor Pack contains three craftable armors - Imperial, Stormcloak and Barbarian. If you arrive during the day the loot will be unguarded. The final piece of armor that you need to snag is back on Ard Skellig. News, Reviews, and Guides for Switch, PS4, Xbox One, PC, and more! Loot the chest for the superior diagrams of the Bear School Armor, Bear School Gauntlets, Bear School Boots and Bear School Trousers. Grab a boat and go to Urialla Harbor on a small island. The location of the armorer selling the maps to find the enhanced, superior, and mastercraft Ursine set. Head to the Destroyed Bastion signpost towards the south of the map of Velen. In the rest of this guide, we'll be showing you where to get the Witcher 3 Bear School armor and weapons, through finding all the diagrams allowing you to craft the items. There's something mysterious afoot next summer. You can take a boat to find it, then swim into the seaside cave and move all the way to the end. All Rights Reserved. A few meters into the right a section juts out and the first lot of diagrams and a journal are located in this chest. When you buy a map, this item will start the quest with marked locations for armor and weapons. Diagram Diagram Ursine Armor Information . Also, there is not a New Game + version of the crossbow. The initial armor set can be found in Skellige, at the peak of Yngvar's Fang north of Urialla Harbor. Turn left and head down the hall until you reach a larger area with more Alghoul to fight. Either way, it’s in an alcove on the left side of the cave when you enter. They are in a fortress north of Urialla Harbor. Bear or Ursine School Gear is a witcher armor and swords set inspired by the Bear School for witchers. Learn more. Head southeast of Fyresdal is a Ruined Inn that houses some enemies. Stats are equal to Scale Armor and can be upgraded using the workbench. Look for a signpost called the Marlin Coast, which should have a couple boat icons next to it. Enhanced Ursine Armor. Head to the northwestern island, Spikeroog. Fast travel to the Road to Bald Mountain signpost, or the Olena’s Grove signpost if that one isn’t showing up. Check yourself before you last-gen yourself. Materials Needed. Start at the Rogne signpost, then take the road east, turning north when you can’t go east any longer. Features mesh and texture edits on all tiers of the set. Now Head into the fort and look for some stairs that will take you into the dungeon. Head North East from the town Rogne along the roads. Go through the main arch and into the door where you will have to take out some level 21 Alghoul. This was a problem for us with the enhanced Griffin School Gear, as we upgraded the gear we were currently wearing, only to find out we couldn’t wear the new stuff. You should find a large archway with a stone staircase behind it. Head to the bottom cost of the North West island in Skellige (South of Old Watchtower), here is a cave with some level 15 Drowners inside. South of an Ancient Crypt in Skellige is a set of ruins guarded by level 13 Gargoyles. The chest you’re looking for is actually on a tiny little island. Use your Witcher Senses in the tunnels until you find the chest with the enhanced Bear School Silver Sword diagram. It’s also east of The Orphans of Crookback Bog signpost if you’d rather start there.
ursine armor location 2021