Question: Is listening to worldly Music a Sin? That is the key question. Music goes to your spirit because Music comes really from the realm of the spirit. That’s why we tell Christians to be careful what music you are listening to. Conclusion: God wants us to see and hear things that do not include sinful behaviors. There is a distinct difference between the two. And then he said, “They often listen to worldly music.” That was his phrase: “They often listen to worldly music.”, And then what he said took me off guard. Are there secular songs that promote things that are noble and has nothing to do with evil? Please watch: "The ONE Thing Every Christian Should Be Doing But Most Are NOT!" Music about promiscuous or premarital sex, songs full of swearing and lyrics that objectify people are all problematic. . Well, all music has a message no matter what music you're listening to. He was imprisoned as a Romanian pastor during the Communist takeover in Romania. Listen to Post. The debate of Christians listening to secular music continues. The best kind of music for a Christian to listen to is music that points to God—that praises Him or points others to Him. Is it a sin to listen to secular music? In determining whether or not to listen to secular music, there are three primary factors to consider: 1) the purpose of music, 2) the style of music, and 3) the content of the lyrics. And it approves of what he disapproves. Music is just one natural outcome of that drive. I want my life to count for big things, not little things. I know many people who say that it is a matter of conscience for individuals to determine for themselves. In other words, the music itself may not be sinful but may influence a person toward sin. I listen to secular music.I listen to rock,metal,death metal and other stuff.It doesn't say in the bible what to listen to.Is it sin ful? I think there is nothing wrong with listening to secular music. Just remember there is a message behind every music, so it matters what message you are sending down to your spirit because you are going to become sooner or later the character of the message you have been listening to, so make a choice. He cares about whether or not He comes first in your life, and whether or not you behave lovingly toward your family, friends, and neighbors. Matthew 5:8: “Blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God.” Is our pursuit of purity helped by enjoying the way the world enjoys impurity? This stands in contradiction to how the Scripture exhorts Christians to think. Like anything else, everything in moderation. 2,880 Likes, 38 Comments - Newman (@the_missionary_christian) on Instagram: “Is Listening To Worldly Music a Sin? Because that is what this person presumes to be concerned about. The nature of genuine saving faith isn’t mere mental assent, but receiving all that God is for us in Jesus Christ. And what does God say about this? Pastor Chris Oyakhilome: Well, all music has a message. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Or Colossians 3:5, 8: “Put to death therefore what is earthly in you: sexual immorality, impurity, passion, evil desire, and covetousness, which is idolatry. Paul’s concern is that we have the mind of Christ, that we love what he loves, we hate what he hates, we enjoy what he enjoys. The Bible says “Do not love the world or the things in the world” (1 John 2:15). If it's music, It's got a message. You have entered an incorrect email address! That is the source of Christ-dishonoring indifference to suffering. Because we live in a fallen world, it’s true that often the music we listen to reflects the sin we introduced. If you can say that listening to worldly music is not a sin. No, listening to secular music is NOT a sin. He said, “We, too, played worldly music very loud so that it would cover our Bible discussions in the underground church and make the Communists think that we were like the others.” That is why it is called worldly and not Christly. ‘Should Christians Listen To Secular Music?’We’re jumping into the Christian music vs. secular music debate! For 33 years, he served as pastor of Bethlehem Baptist Church, Minneapolis, Minnesota. Does feeding these inclinations that we are supposed to kill help us kill them? This is sin. And where does that kind of non-Christ-treasuring heart come from? We shouldn’t love sin. So, that’s where the danger is if you keep listening to the carnal music that’s gotten the wrong message after a while you will act in that direction. Is it a sin to listen to worldly music? Christian citizenship expands far beyond the country on our passport. Little things affect big things, especially when kids are growing up. The lyrics are impure and the devil uses it to influence people to sin or think about sin. Some of the Christian music out there is just as bad as some of the secular music … Solomon is not endorsing a “free for all” for Christians to listen to secular music. Yes, yes it is. Whats your thoughts on this. Generally speaking, no arrangement of notes, beats, melodies and harmonies is inherently sinful. Don’t you guys know that people are suffering in the world, and here we are squabbling about music?” So that person is looking over my shoulder as I contemplate whether even to answer this question. No matter what music you are listening to, if it is music it has got a message. Christ Embassy International. He is author of. There are talented musicians in every genre of music who endeavor to do so. When listening to music you picture yourself in the song. 1 Corinthians 15:33 “Do not be deceived: ‘Bad company ruins good morals.’”And the issue here is not whether you are free to go among the world and bear witness to the supreme beauty of Christ anywhere in the world among the world and among the unbelieving and among the sensual. Most people in the world have no experience of lasting joy in their lives. Proverbs 13:20: “Whoever walks with the wise becomes wise, but the companion of fools will suffer harm.”. And just yesterday, I heard him say (and this is a rough quote; I couldn’t find it on the audio, so I am paraphrasing): “Many of those who were willing to deny their faith and accept the Communist rule were put in charge of the state-approved church. Prayer at 12noon and 10pm (Local/GMT) – Fri Nov 7. Copyright 2021. It revels in the very self-centeredness that gives rise to the miseries of the world. My question is is listening to music is sin by this. Worldly isn’t a sound; worldly is leaving Christ out. Set your minds on things that are above, not on things that are on earth.” Does the music that exalts in Christ-less feeling and Christ-less thinking and Christ-less acting, does it help us set the mind on Christ? Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. We are not to listen and enjoy anything that will corrupt our morals. Or 2 Peter 2:2: “Many will follow their sensuality, and because of them the way of truth will be blasphemed.” The fact is many who listen to Christ-omitting sensuality are made more sensual. That is worldly. And I think the answer is patent: Garbage in, garbage out. The first thing that comes to my mind that needs to be addressed is a cynic, maybe, or I don’t know what you would call him, a Christian who thinks, “Don’t we have bigger fish to fry than talking about what kind of music we listen to? And my answer to that person as a means to getting toward an answer to the question is: We always deal with the lesser things for the sake of greater things. No matter what music you are listening to, if it is music it has got a message. – Myles R, Alabama. One of the marks of worldly music is the exultation in a worldly view of life. Read About Our Privacy Policy. Christ Embassy International has created this Privacy Policy Statement in order to inform you of our commitment to privacy. Colossians 3:1–2: “If then you have been raised with Christ, seek the things that are above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. . Or should we starve them instead of nourishing them? Learn how your comment data is processed. Some music is composed and performed to glorify ungodly things. i was told listening to pop music and artist like meghan trainor, ariana grande,adele ,daya,aleissa cara is a sin is that true Thank you. What about tending the garden of your heart with music? All that stuff is selfishness. It always sends a message. My question is if you listen to worldly music just to entertain your self if you’re bored or to dance just to be happy is it a sin? God doesn't care if you listen to secular music. What about the ways we tend the soil of our soul that determine what kinds of things grow in it? Here are a few texts: Romans 12:3: “Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.” (Romans 12:3) So my question is: Is the transformation of our minds helped by soaking them in a sin-celebrating world, the world we are trying not to be conformed to? For fourteen years he was in jail and tortured. That is why you are concerned about a little leaven. The heart of this question focuses … Music goes to your spirit because Music comes really from the realm of the spirit. Listen to God’s kind of music only. does it consider a sin if Christians listen to worldly music even the once concerning the matter of the heart? There are many secular songs that have catchy melodies, thoughtful insights, and positive messages. I listen to secular music because I’m a dancer and a writer; I like the sound and beats that I can dance to. Is listening to secular music a sin? Listen to Post. Thessalonians 5:21-22 says "Prove all things; hold fast that which is good. However, I’ve had a love of music my whole life and I’m 21 now and I’m wondering if it displeases God that when i run, dance, and write, I’d rather listen to music of the world. I enjoy gospel music and singing worship songs to the Lord. Music has agency. Furthermore, the Bible does NOT say if you listen to Rock music you'll go to hell. Be transformed, renewed, and refreshed as you join Pastor Chris for the December global Communion Service in the year of Perfection. Does the music we listen to help that happen? Our sensitivities to sin are made more dull, and we are at home more and more with the world and not with heaven, not with Christ, not with his way, not with his kingdom, and not with his joy. We share a citizenship with those from every nation who call upon the name of Jesus. If only for the fact that it is the most infantile and ridiculous of the all the sub metal genres. Well, all music has a message no matter what music you are listening to if it is music is got a message even if you are just listening to some instrumental it’s got a message. Some music is dangerous, however. 5. Here is the second question I would ask to this person who just told me not to waste time on this question: What is the root of Christ-dishonoring indifference to the poor and the suffering, temporal suffering or eternal suffering? I want to know: What is the root of that kind of Christ-dishonoring indifference? So, it always sends a message consciously or unconsciously into your spirit, sooner or later you would go in the direction of that message that you’ve been listening to. If you soak your mind in the Christlessness of the world, you will be less Christful. Thank you. Not all music labeled “Christian” is good to listen to. A little leaven leavens the whole lump. And then he said, “They often listen to worldly music.” That was his phrase: “They often listen to worldly music.” And then what he said took me off guard. Is the music of the world a helpful path to renewing your mind to love what the world does not love? The issue is whether we are at home in enjoying ourselves with the way the world thinks. You don’t say, “Oh, little leavens don’t matter.” Well, Paul says, “They matter because big lumps matter.” So yeah, I am all into big lumps. Most things feel little at one level. That is very true, but as Cortt explains in the video what you hear shapes you. This is just similar to drinking is not a sin but being drunk is. It is called worldly because it treasures the world above the one who made the world. Keep your Mind with all diligence for out of it proceeds the issues of life. Are You Visiting Us For The First Time? The answer will depend on your belief system. Listening to contemporary music does not cause a senior adult to sin, though it may offend. Well, it doesn’t come from anywhere. . Pastors’ response: Well, all music has a message no matter…” There are red flags all over such a thing as subliminal for Christians with a modicum of common sense. Click here to download your free gift. A worldly view of life is a life that leaves Christ out and approves of what he disapproves. Let me say that again: The issue is whether we are at home in enjoying ourselves with the way the world thinks. Is Listening To Worldly Music A Sin? its obvious music is something we cant live without ,be it gospel or circular( worldly)music, My question here is this: listening to worldly musics as born again christian a worker for that matter is it a sin? You are born with it. I mean music other than spiritual songs. Is pop,rock,metal,rap,hip hop,country,oprah a sin to listen to? There is such a thing as worldly music. Music can be very powerful—as Calvin realized over Zwingli—very powerful in a good way for instilling the Word of Christ. In 1 Corinthians 10:23 Paul even tells us that just because we can do something does not mean it is good for us. We’re on a mission to change that. And the root is Christlessness — the absence of Christ as the supreme treasure of our affections, the absence of his word as a controlling force in our lives. Some music … Levi, a podcast listener in Indiana writes in: “Pastor John, on whether or not to listen to music that includes themes of sexual immorality, materialism, and other forms of worldliness, is this a decision of individual conviction, or is this music categorically sinful? It’s an individual experience. And big acts of selfishness grow in the soil of selfishness. We have to acknowledge that much of secular music glorifies sinful behavior such as sex, materialism, pride, and the list seemingly goes on. We make it a stumbling block to them if we do. It’ll be streamed live to all the LoveWorld Networks and Web/Mobile platforms. Pastor Chris Oyakhilome: Well, all music has a message. We certainly need to be careful and prayerful about what kind of music we listen to on a regular basis. yes,i do think its a sin because there is nothing godly about it.i also need help on that,i love the music. Well, all music has a message no matter what music you are listening to if it is music is got a message even if you are just listening to some instrumental it’s got a message. God created music, and He gave us ears and minds to be able to appreciate it. Why does Christianity have so many rules? Listening to such music or watching such material day after day will desensitize you to sin and you will find it easier to sin. pls i need sincere answers It will affect you in some way. We all must admit that most secular music does not pass the Philippians 4:8 test. But now you must put them all away: anger, wrath, malice, slander, and obscene talk from your mouth.” We are to be actively putting to death in our hearts all things that we are prone to that are sinful. I am listening right now to Richard Wormbrandt’s Tortured For Christ, written forty years ago. Personally, I listen to only Christian music, because secular music tends to have a lot of junk in it and I want to protect my mind and heart from that junk. What is the root of that in us? If they are distressed over the music you listen to, just turn of the CD or radio and spend the time talking and don‘t “destroy someone for whom Christ died” (Rom 14:15). Jesus says, “Out of the heart come evil thoughts, murder, adultery, sexual immorality, theft, false witness, slander” (Matthew 15:19). So what about music? Is secular music a sin? Some Christians feel that it is a sin because they feel estranged from their God when they listen to it. He said, “We, too, played worldly music very loud so that it would cover our Bible discussions in the underground church and make the Communists think that we were like the others.” So I would just say, if that is your plan, then listen to worldly music.”, John Piper is founder and teacher of and chancellor of Bethlehem College & Seminary. I would love your biblical thoughts on this!”. A lot of music, though not evil in and of itself, can lead a person down a pathway that takes him away from God. How Can I Overcome Depression And A Broken Spirit? Secular music can be very entertaining. All of our resources exist to guide you toward everlasting joy in Jesus Christ. Even if you're just listening to some instrumental, it's got a message music goes to your spirit because music comes really from the ram of the spirit. Don’t be conformed to the sin-celebrating, Christ-omitting world. It's no where in the Bible that listening to secular music is a sin but listening to secular music will definitely corrupt your mind on the long run and such a mind disgusts the Lord. Question: Listening To Worldly Music a Sin? What it has to do with secular music I do not know. But when it comes to common grace, I agree with you Derek that there is no Christian music or secular music. 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is listening to worldly music a sin 2021