Darboy was the author of a number of works, of which the most important are a Vie de St Thomas Becket (1859), a translation of the works of St Denis the Areopagite, and a translation of the Imitation of Christ. Sentence Examples for imitation. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. Also known as modeling. A most singular habit possessed by this bird is that of rising in the air and soaring there in circles at an immense altitude, uttering at intervals the very loud cry of which its local name is an imitation. Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. Which is a roundabout way of saying I'm about to pinch Mark's idea and attempt a pale imitation of it here. Several mints had been established since Richard of York's time; the standards varied and imitation was easy. When shopping for imitation diamonds, it is important to learn how to recognize quality rings. You may consider an imitation diamond ring for many reasons. High quality example sentences with “crude imitation” in context from reliable sources - Ludwig is the linguistic search engine that helps you to write better in English. The episode had a deadening effect on Helen Keller and on Miss Sullivan, who feared that she had allowed the habit of imitation, which has in truth made Miss Keller a writer, to go too far. imitations example sentences. In many passages his work gives the impression of being not so much an imitation of the ancient Germanic epic, as a genuine example of it, though concerned with the deeds of other heroes than those of Germanic tradition. Unlike last year, they aren't even decent imitations. the path of mere duty can be followed only in virtue of a great renunciation; if we are able to make these ordinary and necessary renunciations, it is in some measure owing to the fact that the path has been made easier for us by those who (like the author of the Imitation of Christ) have shown the example, and thereby been able to formulate the theory, of renunciation in a supreme degree. An example of imitation is fish pieces sold as crab. Cubic zirconias: Cubic zirconia offers a high quality imitation of a real diamond. The custom of delivering expositions or comments more or less extemporaneous on the lessons of the day at all events passed over soon and readily into the Christian Church, as may be gathered from the first Apology (c. 67) of Justin Martyr, where we read that, in connexion with the practice of reading portions from the collected writings of the prophets and from the memoirs of the apostles, it had by that time become usual for the presiding minister to deliver a discourse in which "he admonishes the people, stirring them up to an imitation of the good works which have been brought before their notice.". In the domain of bronze and imitation bronze statuary the originality of the French is absolutely unrivalled. Francois de La Rouchefoucauld once remarked that there is only one kind of love, but there The imitations began again. 179. An example of imitation is creating a room to look just like a room pictured in a decorator magazine. 9), based on the best extant authorities; in Latin, the imitation of Apollonius (a free translation or adaptation of whose Argonautica was made by Terentius Varro Atacinus in the time of Cicero) by Valerius Flaccus. Imitation is defined as the act of copying, or a fake or copy of something. Need to translate "BY IMITATION" from english and use correctly in a sentence? How to use imitation in a sentence is shown in this page. You may see them referred to as imitation Oakleys, Faux-kleys, knockoff Oakleys, replica Oakleys, and so on, but the bottom line is this: They are designed to look like the more expensive Oakleys out there. (UNDATED ) From phony Viagra to imitation brand-name brake pads, baby formula, computer chips and sneakers, a tsunami of fake products is washing up on the shores of world markets. 2. I shall assume that she has the normal child's capacity of assimilation and imitation. See more. He held that Art consists in the faithful imitation of the beautiful in nature. The successful issue of the recent revolution of the English colonies in North America had filled the minds of some of the more educated youth of that province; and in imitation, a project to throw off the Portuguese yoke was formed, - a cavalry officer, Silva Xavier, nicknamed Tiradentes (tooth-drawer), being the chief conspirator. Although her apartment did not have a fireplace, Shelby built an imitation mantel to place on the wall for aesthetic appeal. Three pair of blue eyes stared back at her from the first stall, and tiny pink cleft muzzles lifted in a cute imitation of their mother's broken cry of joy. You should beware of imitation birthstones. In the Hemipterous group of the Rhynchota ant-mimicry is illustrated by the larva of a British species of Reduviidae (Nabis lativentris) in which the forepart of the abdomen is furnished on each side with a patch of white hairs leaving a central narrow dark portion in imitation of the waist of the ant; and also by an East African species (Myrmoplasta mira) which in its general form exhibits a close resemblance to an ant (Polyrrhacis gagates) which occurs in the same neighbourhood. It is mandatory to procure user consent prior to running these cookies on your website. It has been widely held that the forked cross was a conscious imitation of the archiepiscopal pallium (F. This comitia must originally have been composed exclusively of patricians; but there is reason to believe that, at an early period of the Republic, it had, in imitation of the centuriate organization, come to include plebeians (see Curia). There is an expression that says that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. rat, bull, tiger, hare, dragon, serpent, horse, goat, ape, cock, dog, pig, which may possibly be an imitation of the ordinary Babylonian-Greek zodiac familiar to ourselves. Real or imitation, winter or summer weight, silk just floats over your body, making you feel pampered wherever you are. Imitation in Classical Rhetoric "The three processes by which a classical or medieval or Renaissance man acquired his knowledge of rhetoric or anything else were traditionally 'Art, Imitation, Exercise' (Ad Herennium, I.2.3).The 'art" is here represented by the whole system of rhetoric, so carefully memorized; 'Exercise' by such schemes as the theme, the declamation or the progymnasmata. 4. On the other hand Ibn ul-Mo`tazz (son of the caliph) was the writer of brilliant occasional verse, free of all imitation. splayed brick jambs, plastered and painted in imitation of marble. Real pearls have a smooth, consistent texture even when viewed under magnification; imitation pearls may have bumps, grains, or other texturing. Young child We have already seen that a strict imitation of Cicero was one of the characteristics of the Italian humanists. Sentence Imitation. Numerous other institutions have been started in Great Britain in imitation of Dr Walther's with a considerable amount of success. Such a model, properly constructed, that is to say, with the vesicles of the foam microscopic in size, is a marvellous imitation of the appearance of protoplasm, being distinguishable from it only by a greater symmetry. Read the short excerpt several times, generating a list of stylistic features that characterize the writer’s voice. 3. According to Gruppe, the legend of the death of Orpheus is a late imitation of the Adonis-Osiris myth. In imitation of Antimachus he wrote a work called Catachannae, probably a kind of miscellanea. Synthetic or imitation rubies are also available usually at considerably lower costs. 267+7 sentence examples: 1. Sentence Imitation. The audio clips have been taken from the band's live DVD titled " Playing the Imitation " . Therefore there was narrow scope for imitation, and the right spirit of humanism displayed itself in a passionate study of perspective, nature and the nude. Most of the imitation jewelry of the United States is produced at Attleboro and North Attleboro, and in Providence, Rhode Island. The best Italian Latin is but an echo and an imitation; like the painted glass which we put in our churches, it is an anachronism. From the imitation of Christ. In the French drama an unimaginative imitation of ancient models had long prevailed; even in art Poussin and Le Sueur were successful by expressing a bias in the same direction; and in the first years of the revolutionary movement the fashion of imitating the ancients even in dress and manners went to the most extravagant length. Imitation definition: An imitation of something is a copy of it. The de Legibus, a sequel to this work in imitation of Plato's Laws, is drawn largely from Chrysippus. All this he intermingled with imitations of actors. The reason it's so important to find a trusted jewelry dealer is because he will be able to help you steer clear of imitation gemstones. In one, a large circular tomb, were found three sepulchral couches in stone, carved in imitation of wood, and a fine statuette in bronze of Ajax committing suicide. Name: Amirah Date: 1/7/2021 Facilitator: Quisenberry School: Enterprise High 1.02 Sentence Imitation Part A Directions: Read each model sentence, and then select the sentence that imitates it. This threefold succession is apparently an imitation or a debased form of the ancient legend of heavenly, earthly and human rulers, which was carried into Persia and China, and from the latter country into Japan and Tibet - the relative number of kings being altered in the last-named countries to suit local convenience and the small amount of truth which they contain. When investigating a used bag, however, it is vital to verify its authenticity to avoid paying for an imitation or counterfeit purse. He did a weak imitation of returning it. The imitation of the Charlemagne romances is here evident; the Saxons bear names of Saracen origin, and camels and elephants appear on the scene. Read the short excerpt several times, generating a list … Nicola in the village contains a remarkable staurotheca of the Ilth (?) 138. The view which denies the Pauline authorship of Ephesians has to suppose the existence of a great literary artist and profound theologian, able to write an epistle worthy of Paul at his best, who, without betraying any recognizable motive, presented to the world in the name of Paul an imitation of Colossians, incredibly laborious and yet superior to the original in literary workmanship and power of thought, and bearing every appearance of earnest sincerity. deferred imitation in a sentence - Use "deferred imitation" in a sentence 1. A madrigal proper is usually very contrapuntal, with much use of imitation. He controlled the movements of the wings, and made them strike downwards and forwards in imitation of natural wings. | (attributive) A copy or simulation; something that is not the real thing. , Imitation granite is used in the kitchens of those who do not care if the stone is less than genuine. barcaruola, a boat-song), properly a musical term for the songs sung by the Venetian gondoliers, and hence for an instrumental or vocal composition, generally in 6-8 time, written in imitation of their characteristic rhythm. An egg-shaped vessel, made in imitation of a gourd. Beyond that, sentence imitation is fun. All Rights Reserved. Similarly, the Greek names Kyros, Dareios and Xerxes were as close an imitation aspracticable of the native names of these Persian monarchs. 2. Visits to the Iles d'Hieres, and the composition of a fish sauce in imitation of the ancient garum, which he sent to his friend Etienne Dolet, are associated, not very certainly, with his stay at Montpellier, which, lasting rather more than a year at first, was renewed at intervals for several years. 25. Learning the dance can be done without either just trying to learn it by imitation, or going all the way into taking jazz and hip hop classes. If the imitation is exact, the term _strict imitation _ is applied, but if only approximate, then the term _free imitation _ is used in referring to it.. Fuseli and Coleridge falsely apply the term imitation, making "a distinction between imitation and copying, representing the first as the legitimate function of art -- the latter as its corruption." These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. deferred imitation in a sentence - Use "deferred imitation" in a sentence 1. 4 seq., Aristarchus had the common reading ' taut, but another Homeric critic of note, Zenodotus, read for ' raoL, and this is supported by the obvious imitation in Aeschylus, Supplices, 800, who has The support which a reading gains from the evidence of the directly transmitted text and from the auxiliary testimonia may be called its documental probability. a long plaited lock (or later a lappet) on the side of their head in imitation of the youthful Horus, and the peculiar tonsure adopted by the later Arabs of Sinai was inspired by the desire to copy their god Orotal-Dionysus.'. The seal was developed to prevent imitation lenses from being sold, mainly in China. He has left The Game of Chess, an imitation of Vida, and Proporzec albo hold pruski (The Standard or Investiture of Prussia), where he describes the fealty done by Albert of Brandenburg to Sigismund Augustus. Palm Beach is an imitation of Monaco. They do not represent the opinions of YourDictionary.com. In 1842-1849, King Louis built himself to the west of the town a country house, called the Pompeianum, from its being an imitation of the house of Castor and Pollux at Pompeii. These are only imitations of actual phenomena. To sacrifice phrasing, and distinctness in real partwriting, to a crude imitation of the richness produced mechanically on the harpsichord by drawing 4-ft. - In this natural world of real substances, human good is not an imitation of a supernatural universal form of the good, but is human happiness; and this good is the same both of the individual as a part and of the state as a whole. Now renamed simply Hancock, the season was overall a pale imitation of its former glory. Ilyin tried to imitate Rostov in everything and adored him as a girl might have done. Check the meaning of imitation. Written in imitation of the De vitis Caesarum of Suetonius, this is the best contemporary account of the life of Charlemagne, and could only have been written by one who was very intimate with the emperor and his court. Acquisition supplanted invention; imitation of classical authors suppressed originality of style. Example: Original sentence: Whenever I look at a mountain, I expect it to turn into a volcano. There are nine windows, three on each fa�e, and the ceiling is admirably diversified with inlaid-work of white, blue and gold, in the shape of circles, crowns and stars - a kind of imitation of the vault of heaven. The Siegestor (or gate of victory) is a modern imitation of the arch of Constantine at Rome, while the stately Propylaea, built in 1854-1862, is a reproduction of the gates of the Athenian Acropolis. What do you mean by imitate? cultured pearl or purchase quality imitation pearls for a fraction of the cost. Instructions . Examples of imitations in a sentence: 1. Example sentences with the word imitations. These classes do not appear in Egypt before the 2nd century; Strack conjectures that they were created in imitation of the Seleucid court. Need to translate "DIE IMITATION" from german and use correctly in a sentence? Dogs imitate novel human actions and store them in memory, Deferred imitation and declarative memory in domestic dogs abstract . Limitation sentence examples. Examples of Imitating in a sentence The parrot continued imitating his owner, mocking his owner and copying his thick Indian accent. Precepts of style, and models taken from the best Latin authors, were the means whereby a remarkable skill in the imitation of Cicero was attained at Strassburg during the forty-four years of the headmastership of Johannes von Sturm (d. Concurrently fraudulent imitation has regrettably increased. Dictionary ! They installed coils and an imitation nuclear reactor on the back of the vehicle, along with two large rear vents. A MAN sprayed a house with Air Soft pellets in a dispute over a debt. "By gosh, I think I've got it," she spoke in a poor imitation of British accent. Again, several species of this order have become profoundly modified in form in imitation of inedible beetles. The groupies put their heads together in a fluffy little imitation of a pep huddle and debated on it. This download includes: 1 Adapted Book (w/Real Photos) 1 Set of Sentenc It was a period of religious revival, and of reaction against abuses that followed in the wake of the feudal system; and this religious movement was informed by a new mysticism - a mysticism that fixed its attention mainly on the humanity of Christ and found its practical expression in the imitation of His life. During a short period (1845-1850) an imitation of Etruscan ware was also produced with figures of rich red colour over a body of black. A series of the apes, arranged from lower to higher orders, shows gradations from a brain little higher that that of a rat, to a brain like a small and imperfect imitation of a man's; and the greatest structural break in the series lies not between man and the manlike apes, but between the apes and monkeys on one side, and the lemurs on the other. Although he was at first on good terms with Aristophanes, their relations subsequently became strained, and they accused each other, in most virulent terms, of imitation and plagiarism. imitation sentence in English. [ + of] Molly learned her golf by imitation. Many celebrity rings are available as inexpensive replicas, using cubic zirconia or other imitation stones set in cheaper metals. Beware of composite birthstone jewelry-this is jewelry that's made primarily of big chunks of imitation stone. Pour cocktail sauce over cream cheese; top with imitation crabmeat. In the study of Latin the principal aim of the Italian humanists was the imitation of the style of their classical models. The Latin text is much shorter than the Welsh, but we do not know whether this abridgment was made on purpose, or whether the translation is an imitation of an earlier text. This was in imitation of the Macedonian leaders who divided the dominion of Alexander. The awards honor…greatness in celebrity imitation. representations of alien peoples in Egyptian frescoes; imitation of Aegean fabrics and style in non-Aegean lands; allusions to Mediterranean peoples in Egyptian, Semitic or Babylonian records. MODEL SENTENCE: The gallows stood in a small yard, separate from the main grounds of the prison, and overgrown with tall prickly weeds.--George Orwell, "A Hanging" (Write a sentence according to the pattern of the model sentence.) imitation of the New Testament practice; and where it is not marred by undue prolixity commends itself to most Christian people as a solemn and impressive service. Many couples who are looking for unique stones may consider the black jewels, but they should be aware of potential scams related to imitation stones before making a purchase. This sentence-imitation exercise will give you practice in connecting independent clauses with dependent clauses using subordinating conjunctions. She sat crumpled up by an open gas fire of imitation logs. These imitation products will not last nearly as long as the original, and they won't have the rich, quality look that the true products possess. It is a good conductor of heat, and therefore feels colder to the touch than glass and imitation stones. The imitation of the fine style of that magnificent writer but bad patriot is admirable. Dionysius was also the author of several rhetorical treatises, in which he shows that he has thoroughly studied the best Attic models: The Art of Rhetoric (which is rather a collection of essays on the theory of rhetoric), incomplete, and certainly not all his work; The Arrangement of Words (IIEpi 6uv%o-Ews ovo,uarwv), treating of the combination of words according to the different styles of oratory; On Imitation (Ilepi Au170 Ews), on the best models in the different kinds of literature and the way in which they are to be imitated - a fragmentary work; Commentaries on the Attic Orators (IIEpi T(AV apXalwv prtrOpwv inro j j anopoi), which, however, only deal with Lysias, Isaeus, Isocrates and (by way of supplement) Dinarchus; On the admirable Style of Demosthenes (IIEpi Anyoa8 'ous b€t)orrlros); and On the Character of Thucydides (Hepi Tou Oovevbibov a detailed but on the whole an unfair estimate. The parrot continued imitating his owner, mocking his owner and copying his thick Indian accent. With regard to Ecgbert the word is doubtless given as a title in imitation of its earlier use, and the same remark applies to its use in ZEthelstan's charter. A rigid orthodoxy is sustained by means of purblind imitation assisted by no little persecution. Second, because the imitation styles are so much cheaper, customers are able to purchase more than one pair, and that means that you have the opportunity to change your look whenever you feel like it. Soon after the Nicene council, the Jews, in imitation of the Christians, abandoned the cycle of eighty-four years, and adopted that of Meton, by which their lunisolar year is regulated at the present day. The Renaissance here, as in England, displayed essential qualities of intellectual freedom, delight in life, exultation over rediscovered earth and man. : The analogue technique described above gives an entirely satisfactory imitation of a real swell box. Babies are wired for doing lots of imitation, and they should pounce on the opportunity to exchange coos, stinging tongues out and doing the usual baby-parent routine. Sturm, in making the imitation of the Latin classics the main aim of instruction. Imitation boots are not made from the same high-grade material as the originals. IMITATION: The dog shivered in the background, wet from nosing his way through the early-morning grasses and covered with damp cocklespurs. At seventeen he wrote his Vernal Walk in imitation of Thomson. But though the plan shows no imitation of the great Byzantine church, the decorations of the interior (mosaics, frescoes, &c.) do indicate direct Byzantine influence. Of the former nineteen city gates only one remains, the Brandenburg Gate (1789-1793), an imitation of the Propylaea at Athens. The article known as tussur spun is prepared in exactly the same manner as other spun silks, but its chief use is to make an imitation of sealskin known commercially as silk seal. Echopraxia-The imitation of the movement of another individual. Examples of Imitation in a sentence Even though it’s an imitation, the copy of the painting sold for almost as much as the original. In the same century the monastery of Gandersheim, south of Hanover, was the retreat of the learned nun Hroswitha, who celebrated the exploits of Otho in leonine hexameters, and composed in prose six moral and religious plays in imitation of Terence. The imitation of Greek comedy, tragedy and epic poetry, which produced great results in the hands of Naevius, Plautus, Ennius and their successors, received its first impulse from him. century, and a wooden triptych in imitation of the Byzantine style with enamels of the 13th century. prolonged the quay, and an inferior imitation of Trajan's arch was set up; he also erected a lazaretto at the south end of the harbour, now a sugar refinery, Vanvitelli being the architect-in-chief. While the Eudemian Ethics in a more theological vein emphasizes God, the object of wisdom as the end for which prudence gives its orders, the Nicomachean Ethics in a more humanizing spirit emphasizes wisdom itself, the speculative activity, as that end, and afterwards as the highest happiness, because activity of the divine power of intellect, because an imitation of the activity of God, because most dear to God. The authors of the Augustan age are unduly depreciated, while Ennius, Plautus, Laberius, Sallust are held up as models of imitation. In this resolution he persevered for six years, during which he worked at a verse translation of the Imitation of Christ (finished in 1656), at his three Discourses on Dramatic Poetry, and at the Examens which are usually printed at the end of his plays. The two sets second-class imitation of not the compound. The first period of the English Renaissance was one of imitation and assimilation. Sajid Humayun Imitation, tutoring and tool-use in human infancy. No man ever yet became great by imitation. This can be very effective for simply getting a grounding in the overall movement vocabulary, to polish up later with more exact imitation. So far, however, there is no ethical difference between Christian faith and that of Judaism, or its later imitation, Mahommedanism; except that the personal affection of loyal trust is peculiarly stirred by the blending of human and divine natures in Christ, and the rule of duty impressively taught by the manifestation of his perfect life. Variation 1: Horn and bassoon in imitation retain the dignity of the hymn tune. In imitation of the Jews, who counted the time of the new moon, not from the moment of the actual phase, but from the time the moon first became visible after the conjunction, the fourteenth day of the moon is regarded as the full moon: but the moon is in opposition generally on the 16th day; therefore, when the new moons of the [[Table V]]. The strength of Meicli, Sessh, Motonobu and Tanyu gave place to a more or less slavish imitation of the old Japanese painters and their Chinese exemplars, till the heirs to the splendid traditions of the great masters preserved little more than their conventions and shortcomings. In imitation of the practice observed under the Roman empire, the term came to be applied under the feudal system to portions of land granted by a lord to his vassal for the maintenance of the latter on condition of his rendering military service; and such grants were originally for life only, and the land reverted to the lord on the death of the vassal. practice! Now imitation is the very. Dogs imitate novel human actions and store them in memory, Deferred imitation and declarative memory in domestic dogs abstract . In imitation of the English order of the Garter, he established the knightly order of the Star, and celebrated its festivals with great display. And after this a pervigilium, celebrated with antiphonal and joint singing on the part of men and women and with choral dancing in imitation of Moses and Miriam at the Red Sea. These and other fireplaces in the house have splayed brick jambs, plastered and painted in imitation of marble. In the following year he gave to the world the Indian Edda, The Song of Hiawatha, a conscious imitation, both in subject and metre, of the Finnish epic, the Kalevala, with which he had become acquainted during his second visit to Europe. ( 1789-1793 ), p. 150, where it is important you use vanilla. Imitation Chanel products on the controversy as to the author of the current of. That plagiarism as close an imitation of tea where a marble imitation found at is! Overlimitz is a site worth checking out if you are interested in ordering imitation. How to use imitation in a dispute over a debt many people are trying an imitation of natural.! 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imitation in a sentence 2021