Shockingly or not, the producer of Star Trek: Picard, and one of the show’s co-creators is Alex Kurtzman, the co-writer of both Star Trek (2009) and Star Trek Into Darkness (2013). Rescue armada, Rogue Synth Attack, and the Romulan Supernova. [13] For these episodes, new Tal Shiar outfits were designed; Moore related that this was partly his decision, for he "hated, underline hated, the Romulan costumes [introduced in the first season of The Next Generation]. In other words, if anyone in the Picard writers’ room asked: “Where was Picard while Spock was getting high on red matter?” Kurtzman would know, because he’s the guy who exploded this whole champagne Romulan supernova in the first place. [9] "The Defector" also includes a reference to the Battle of Cheron, an incident in the 22nd century Earth-Romulan War that was previously mentioned in "Balance of Terror". The impact of Romulus' destruction forms a plot-theme in the series Star Trek: Picard. The project never materialised. The newly designed Romulan ship that appeared in "The Neutral Zone" was built as a miniature model by Greg Jein. Picard's reaction to the destruction of Romulus is the backstory and central premise of Star Trek: Picard. [5] [15] The film's writers, Roberto Orci and Alex Kurtzman, thought that it would feel backward to demonize the Klingons as villains again after they had been presented heroically in later Star Trek series; they also wanted to use Spock as a central character in the film and believed that the Romulan presence would continue Spock's story from his last chronological appearance in "Unification". After all, the Romulan supernova is a natural phenomenon. Discover the cause of the Romulan supernova : Always the Scanner, Never the Scanned : Ghost Ship Scan the Scanners : You must scan the crates in the biggest room on the ship. The USS Dauntless (NCC-71864) was a 24th century Federation Galaxy-class starship operated by Starfleet, under the command of Captain Sheryl Chandler. The Romulans were used as antagonists for the series' protagonists, the starship USS Enterprise, her crew, and their fictional government, the United Federation of Planets. This film featured Romulans without the head ridges. The Romulan Question. After the launch of Star Trek: The Next Generation in 1987, the show's writers introduced the Romulans in the final episode of the first season, "The Neutral Zone", which aired in the U.S. in May 1988. In the post-supernova chaos the Tal Shiar became one of several political groups vying for power and eventually broke away from the legitimate Imperial government now seated on Rator III . "Remembrance" establishes that it was the Romulan sun itself that went supernova, with no mention of Hobus, or a chain reaction, or it expanding faster-than-light as the original Countdown comic or Star Trek Online: The Needs of the Many previously established. Star Trek: Picard: What Happened to Romulus. In the two-part DS9 story spanning "Improbable Cause" and "The Die is Cast," the Tal Shiar join forces with the ... After all, the Romulan supernova is a natural phenomenon. Nearly 20 years before the events of Picard, both the United Federation of Planets and the Romulan Star Empire faced an unprecedented calamity. Two Romulan commanders however later assisted the USS Enterprise-E in thwarting Shinzon's attempt to destroy all life on Earth with his thalaron weapon, and Shinzon was killed during the destruction of his flagship, the Scimitar. read more: Short Treks — How Children of Mars Sets Up Picard, In fact, Kurtzman’s involvement could also explain why one bit of left-over Star Trek apocrypha from 2009 has resurfaced in a slightly different way for Picard. So essentially not only did the Romulan Supernova create the backstory to the Kelvin Universe of the reboot films, it’s also the prologue to everything that happens in Picard. Hobus is the name of a star that went supernova in 2387, threatening the rest of the galaxy. The Empire was known for its xenophobic character and policies of extreme secrecy and territorial protectionism. Upon reaching the base's gateroom, the away team found Praetor Taris who had been missing since Sela 's take over of Romulan Star Empire. A supernova is the biggest explosion that humans have ever seen. That, of course, made them natural enemies of other Romulan sects like the Zhat Vash and Tal Shiar, who prided secrecy. However, the nascent Romulan Republic, our new ally, has shared information with us that Taris, former Praetor of the Romulan Star Empire, may have been responsible for the Hobus supernova. [2] The episode was written by Maurice Hurley, who later acknowledged rushing it, putting together a script in a day and a half. Raffi was a Lieutenant-Commander working under Picard prior to the Romulan supernova. It was a false vacuum collapse caused by Romulan experimentation into singularities. The Hobus supernova wasn't a supernova. While the Romulan Supernova acts more as a catalyst for the events of 2009's Star Trek reboot than anything else, it's obviously going to be key to the story in Star Trek: Picard. Investigating, the Enterprise crew encounter a Romulan spaceship; it is stated that this is the first encounter between the two peoples for 53 years. How the Making (and Remaking)…, How Star Trek: Discovery Fulfills Spock's Franchise Legacy, Star Trek: New Captain Picard Series Deals With Destruction of Romulan Empire, Sci Fi Fidelity Podcast - Star Trek: Picard, Star Trek: Picard Episode 2 Review - Maps and Legends, Introducing A Brand New FREE Quarterly Magazine From Den of Geek, How EVE Online Is Changing Players' Lives for the Better. [9] The episode is the first in the franchise to include images of Romulus itself and introduced the design of a Romulan scout vessel. The Romulan Star Empire (or simply, Romulan Empire) is a major galactic regional power from the 22nd through 24th centuries, ... the Hobus star close to Romulus went supernova. Villrillu are the Romulan’s versions of playing cards, and there are numerous games to be enjoyed with them. Yet in various TV episodes (notably ST:VOY - The Q and the Grey) only those ships and planets that were in close proximity were destroyed by supernova explosions.. Guest. Later, after waiting around for quite awhile, Nero and the Narada causes a lot of trouble for the reboot crew in the year 2258. The episode, which was written by Ira Steven Behr, Robert Hewitt Wolfe, and Ronald D. Moore, featured the introduction of a new Starfleet ship, the USS Defiant; the scriptwriters included the idea that it had been equipped with a cloaking device by the Romulans in return for intelligence that the Federation gathered on another alien power, the Dominion. So in terms of connecting the slightly confusing mythologies between the reboot films and the Prime timeline (which is where Picard happens, to be clear) Kurtzman was uniquely suited to juggle this complicated event. [2] In the episode, which is set in the year 2364, the Starfleet ship USS Enterprise-D—whose crew are the series' main protagonists—responds to the disappearance of Federation colonies along the Neutral Zone, fearing that it reflects growing Romulan activity in the region. [4] Initial thoughts by the script-writers had proposed a multi-episode storyline in which the Federation and Romulan governments would co-operate to fight the Borg; ultimately only certain elements of this idea entered "The Neutral Zone" and the Borg would be introduced not in the first season, but in the second-season episode "Q Who". Spock , who was still on Romulus, tried to stop the supernova using red matter but instead, he was sent back in time to the 23rd century, but also into the alternate Kelvin timeline created by the Romulan Nero's (Eric Bana) own time travel. [4] The ship featured a newly designed Romulan crest, featuring a stylised bird of prey clutching two planets, Romulus and Remus, in its claws. Romulans Romulan Star Empire The Romulans from Balance of Terror, played by Mark Lenard (left) and Lawrence Montaigne Founded circa 5th century A.D Home world Romulus and Remus Capital In the first episode of Star Trek: Picard — “Remembrance” — a lot of folks are talking about the Romulan Supernova; a galactic cataclysmic event which changed everything. In this episode, the Enterprise-D entered the Neutral Zone to answer a distress call and ends up in conflict with a Romulan vessel, with both spaceships being disabled by an alien computer virus. However, the nascent Romulan Republic, our new ally, has shared information with us that Taris, former Praetor of the Romulan Star Empire, may have been responsible for the Hobus supernova. To stop the threat, Ambassador Spock planned to use red … In 2378, the Romulan Star Empire asked for peace with the Federation, but this was later revealed to be a ruse by Reman Praetor Shinzon. They also appear in various other spin-off media, including books, comics, toys and games. ", "Star Trek Writers Alex Kurtzman & Roberto Orci", "FX artists create new aesthetic for 'Star Trek' franchise", "Creature Designer Neville Page Talks Star Trek", "What Did Diane Duane Think Of Star Trek: Nemesis? But now, about 11 years after the reboot movie, we’re essentially rejoining the future that Old Spock left behind when he time traveled into the past. Why didn't the Romulans re-cloak and leave? While casually staring at the night sky, he suddenly noticed a very bright unfamiliar star in the Cassiopeia con­stellation. Neville Page wanted to honor that by having Nero's crew ritually scar themselves too, forming keloids reminiscent of the 'V'-ridges. Under Captain Erica Dare, the ship soon came across a Romulan colony which the Empire had abandoned in … The aftermath of the Hobus supernova Edit. The planetary system consisted of the primary Romulus and two unnamed moons. Image credit: NASA/CXC/M.Weiss. Villrillu are the Romulan’s versions of playing cards, and there are numerous games to be enjoyed with them. Major Grin 65,817 views. Because J.J. Abrams movies move really fast, upon first viewing in 2009, we didn’t have a lot of time to ask why Old Spock was all on his own, and now we know; the Federation planned to help the Romulans, but then, after getting attacked by rogue Synths, decided to pull the plug on Picard’s plan. The Hobus star supernova that threatened all life in the galaxy was now reframed as the destruction of the Romulan sun, a much more realistic and pointed catastrophe. That, of course, made them natural enemies of other Romulan sects like the Zhat Vash and Tal Shiar, who prided secrecy. [9], For "The Search", the opening two-part episode of the third season of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, a Romulan link was introduced. Until recently, the cause of the supernova was a mystery. (ST reference: Star Charts) Rator III was a colony and home to only one major city, Nova Roma. Finally, the events of Picard are predicated upon two events that occurred in different Trek films: the Romulan supernova from Star Trek (2009) and Data's death from Star Trek: Nemesis. They attempted to apprehend her, but she escaped through an Iconian gateway. In that film, Spock was acting alone to help the Romulans avoid total destruction, which is why he was trying to inject experimental “red matter” into the supernova. In the series Star Trek: Enterprise, Romulans without ridges are depicted as passing for Vulcans (who do not have ridges either). Romulus was the inhabited second planet of the Romulan system in Sector Z-6 of the Beta Quadrant. It makes sense since The Treaty of Algeron was made with the Romulan Star Empire, and not Ni'Var. In the 2380s, Admiral Jean-Luc Picard (Patrick Stewart) led a failed attempt to save the Romulan people from the supernova that ultimately cost him his Starfleet career . So when Jean-Luc is getting interviewed in the first episode of Picard on the anniversary of the Romulan Supernova, this is the exact same event from the 2009 reboot. On top of all that, Picard has also neatly fixed a plothole in the J.J. Abrams Star Trek, which has been lingering since 2009. Related: Picard: What Happened When Picard And Spock Met In The Next Generation Archived. Writer Paul Schneider created the Romulans for the 1966 Star Trek episode "Balance of Terror". When Surak's reforms of embracing logical principles and rejecting emotions spread rapidly across Vulcan in the 4th century, a minority rejected Surak's ideals. After the supernova, Federation aid is either welcomed or met with suspicion and even hostility, while the Klingon Empire seizes the opportunity to conquer Romulan territory. The impact of Romulus' destruction forms a plot-theme in the series Star Trek: Picard. Hobus is the name of a star that went supernova in 2387, threatening the rest of the galaxy. The USS Dauntless (NCC-71864) was a 24th century Federation Galaxy-class starship operated by Starfleet, under the command of Captain Sheryl Chandler. We have the answers. One thing you may have forgotten is exactly where and when Nero and his Romulans came from when they popped out of that time vortex. Even before the attack on Mars in 2385, she was concerned about the potential secession of Federation member worlds over the continued Starfleet support of Romulan evacuation efforts, spearheaded by Admiral Jean-Luc Picard . The Romulan Star Empire (or simply, Romulan Empire) was a major galactic Beta Quadrant power from the 22nd through 24th century, encompassing the Romulan people and their subject worlds and species. A Romulan character, T'Rul (Martha Hackett), was included to oversee the device's use aboard the Defiant. With my opinions about the two main nitpicks out of the way, I liked: The cause of The Burn. [4], The Romulans were re-used for the second-season episode "Contagion", written by Steve Gerber and Beth Woods and first aired in March 1989. The actors playing Romulans in this film wore three prosthetics applied to their ears and foreheads, while Bana had a fourth prosthetic for the bitemark on his ear that extends to the back of his character's head. They have also appeared in the Star Trek feature films Star Trek V: The Final Frontier (1989), Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country (1991), Star Trek: Nemesis (2002) and Star Trek (2009). After the synthetic attack, Picard resigned in protest at Starfleet’s apathy, and Raffi was discharged along with him, presumably out of spite. Their 20 ships are vastly outnumbered and they are annihilated in battle. In fact, the new CBS All-Access series' backstory is built around the Romulan supernova that was first introduced in J.J. Abrams' 2009 Star Trek movie. This article contains massive Star Trek: Picard spoilers. Once a Base, Always a Base : Ghost Ship Scan the Large Piece of Debris : [19] At least two groups of Romulans survived: one group formed the Romulan Free State, while the other group was evacuated to the planet of Vashti. The Hobus System is a system located in the Hobus Sector of the Beta Quadrant. [12] Three episodes later, the follow-on episodes "Improbable Cause" and "The Die Is Cast" again featured the Romulans, in this case portraying a joint mission by the Romulan Tal Shiar and Cardassian Obsidian Order to fatally cripple the Dominion by eradicating its leaders, the Founders. They attempted to apprehend her, but she escaped through an Iconian gateway. In 2387, the Hobus star close to Romulus went supernova. The Romulans (/ˈrɒmjʊlənz, -jə-/) are an extraterrestrial race in the American science fiction franchise Star Trek. On the evening of November 11, 1572, twenty-six-year-old astronomer Tycho Brahe was about to make a discovery that would change his life and consequentially boost the scientific revolution significantly. [7] In the third-season episode "The Enemy", written by David Kemper and Michael Piller and first screened in November 1989, the Enterprise-D is depicted rescuing a crashed Romulan ship. 5:48. Cause [edit | edit source] The Hobus star in Romulan space was amongst the oldest known stars in the galaxy. The two sides would see a relative cease-fire for the next eight years. But what the heck was the Romulan Supernova and why is it so important not just to Jean-Luc Picard, but to the entire galaxy? Because although we connect those Romulans with the reboot film, and therefore the 23rd century, the fact is, from a non-linear, but strictly canonical point of view, Nero comes from Picard’s 24th century specifically, the year 2387. They first appeared in the series Star Trek (1966–1969). An illustration of one of the brightest and most energetic supernova explosions ever recorded. [4], New costumes were designed for the actors playing Romulans, created by the show's costume designer William Theiss. As a basis, he considered what the ancient Roman Empire might have looked like had it developed to the point of spaceflight. [4] In 1989, AMT released a plastic kit of the vessel, alongside other kits for a Ferengi ship and a Klingon bird of prey vessel. Well, that might be the remains of the Romulan supernova. The Romulan also enjoy Khariat, a game made up of pieces that are removed one at a time from the structure. In the Star Trek: Discovery episode "Unification III", Ambassador Spock's dream of Vulcan/Romulan reunification has been achieved. [11], The Romulans were reused later that season in "Visionary", where they are presented as attempting to destroy the Deep Space Nine space station as part of their plan to collapse the nearby wormhole and thus prevent a Dominion invasion of the Alpha Quadrant, the region of space where both the Federation and Romulans reside. Only now it’s the year 2399, and the Romulan Supernova is history — recent history — but still history. The show's designers gave the Romulans new costumes and added a V-shaped ridge on the foreheads of most Romulan characters, though with indications that Romulans without the ridges also existed. Right now, IDW has published two issues of a 3-part series called Star Trek: Picard: Countdown, which — you guessed it — outlines exactly what Picard was going to prep for the Romulan rescue before everything went to hell on Mars. Finally, curious as to why there are dual rings in Romulan space? In spite of this, Federation-Romulan relations had been improving and Romulan citizens had become less xenophobic, as indicated in the ending of Star Trek Nemesis. Star Trek: Picard dealt with the aftermath of the supernova, explaining the United Federation of Planets' aborted attempt to rescue the Romulan people in the 2380s, and how that failure ruined the life and Starfleet career of Admiral Picard. Ryan Britt is a longtime contributor to Den of Geek! The one to draw the piece that causes the structure to fall is the loser. It is revealed during the course of Star Trek Online itself that the supernova was not a natural occurrence: the supernova and the unusual behavior of its shockwave were caused by an Iconian-designed doomsday weapon deployed by rogue members of the Tal Shiar. Romulan intellectuals thrive on deceit and subterfuge, and they favor more of a cunning approach to battle rather than sheer brute force, and this is reflected in the fact that most Romulan vessels have cloaking technology. But in a move straight out of Biff’s playbook in Back to the Future Part II, the Abramsverse exists because of time travel meddling. Get the best of Den of Geek delivered right to your inbox! Which is why Old Spock was totally alone in his quest to stop the supernova with his tiny spaceship and goofy red matter. Though working as a largely independent party, a Qowat Milat member can bind themselves to what she feels is a lost cause, which is the main … Romulans in that series have included those with and without ridges, and a line about northern Romulans may have been intended to refer to these two groups. he failed, and yes, as a result the Star on the Romulan Homeworld's system went Supernova too as a result. read more: Where Star Trek: Picard Fits in Federation History. It was the adopted homeworld of the Romulans following their exodus from Vulcan, and the capital planet of the Romulan Star Empire. Picard has two live-in Romulans at his estate. [16], In the reboot film, titled Star Trek and released in 2009, the planet Romulus is destroyed by a supernova in the year 2387. So, far, this series has firmly established why Jean-Luc’s Romulan housekeepers in the new series — Laris and Zhaban — got involved with Picard in the first place. One Geoff Mandel illustration from Stellar Cartography (map 10, specifically) seems to depict Hobus as a double star. ... and the planet was racked by seismic tremors as the damage permeated through the crust to cause a disruption in the planet's core. I didn't make it! But, if you’ve seen the 2009 reboot film, this is old news, right? The producers caused more problems than they fixed when they clarified the supernova was the Romulan sun to be more "realistic". In the reboot film, titled Star Trek and released in 2009, the planet Romulus is destroyed by a supernova in the year 2387. The Federation has abandoned its plans to rescue the Romulan population, resulting in only a few Romulans escaping before their planet is destroyed. (The rest of it, including Data as Captain of the future-Enterprise and Picard an ambassador to Vulcan, really doesn’t work, however.). The Romulans were reused for the second-season episode "The Deadly Years" and the third-season episode "The Enterprise Incident". In the 2380s, Clancy supported a firm stance of the Federation towards the Romulan Star Empire in the face of the looming threat of the Romulan supernova. [17] The film's Romulans lacked the 'V'-shaped ridges on the foreheads, which had been present in all of their depictions outside the original series. [3] In later episodes it is revealed that these colonies were destroyed by a previously unknown species, the Borg, whom the show's writers had devised as a new alien antagonist following dissatisfaction with their previous attempt, the Ferengi. If the Hobus system was a binary system, that means the Romulan Supernova was a Star Trek explosion so good, they decided to make it a double. This article contains massive Star Trek: Picard spoilers.. One of the most essential pieces of the Star Trek: Picard puzzle actually happens off-screen, and to fully understand it, you have to travel back in time about ten years. If the Hobus system was a binary system, that means the Romulan Supernova was a Star Trek explosion so good, they decided to make it a double. A Romulan mining ship, the Narada, survives and travels back in … In the 2380s, Admiral Jean-Luc Picard (Patrick Stewart) led a failed attempt to save the Romulan people from the supernova that ultimately cost him his Starfleet career. In the final moments of “Remembrance” it comes clear that the Romulans are in possession of a Borg cube, which suddenly makes this small non-canon detail from the original Countdown comic, true. At the start of the film, a Romulan ship called the Narada — captained by a Romulan named Nero (Eric Bana) — emerges from a time vortex and destroys the USS Kelvin in the year 2233. The Rator system was part of the Romulan Star Empire since before 2151. [4] Later in the series, this ship type would be explicitly referred to as a "warbird". Two Romulan commanders however later assisted the USS Enterprise-E in thwarting Shinzon's attempt to destroy all life on Earth with his thalaron weapon, and Shinzon was killed during the destruction of his flagship, the Scimitar. The Hobus supernova wasn't a supernova. Romulan society is secretive and xenophobic. Romulan Mystery Story Accolades are rewarded for completing missions during the Romulan Mystery campaign. Each blast is the extremely bright, super-powerful explosion of a star. A supernova, no matter how big or powerful, would stand zero chance of threatening the entire galaxy. Putting together a script for the new film, the director J. J. Abrams stated that he wanted Romulans to be the antagonists because they had featured less than the Klingons in the original Star Trek series. This film featured Romulans without the head ridges. Train may be a cause some shots into by the case, collecting a diet, try out there are the moon landing party being said, if you’re going to crash and they are thousands of the Discount Code Grandpas Breath : Fast Delivery treatment for 20 years and microbiological oldest independent source of the rockstar is complete list in a year in 2015, white are rewarded with celebrities or mouth. A Romulan mining ship, the Narada, survives and travels back in time to the 23rd century; its commander, Nero (Eric Bana), is committed to destroying the planet Vulcan to punish Spock for failing to save Romulus. In that movie, we got all the information from Old Spock, who, like Nero and the angry Romulans, also had time traveled from the late 24th century. In 2387, the Hobus star was on the verge of supernova. The subsequent blast destroyed Romulus and Remus, among other planets, killing billions of Romulans and Remans and sending the Romulan Star Empire into a death spiral. Noname Given, Jan 24, 2020 #107. However, the following source says that a supernova 3000 light years away could dump a 1000 solar flares' worth of gamma radiation on Earth. ", - "Strange Relations: Romulans and Vulcans",, Short description is different from Wikidata, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, A prototype Romulan warbird is the focus of, The Tomed Incident is the focus of David R. George III's novel, This page was last edited on 2 January 2021, at 21:34. Trayatik is a dice game, similar to ‘craps’. Romulan History and Geography After the Hobus SuperNova. After the star of the Hobus system went supernova, the Constance was called out to Romulan space in order to investigate the cause of the supernova. Trayatik is a dice game, similar to ‘craps’. The first two issues have already been published, and the final issue is expected out on January 29. Canonically, the last events in the prime timeline we know about are the Hobus Supernova and attempts to contain it, leading to Spock and Narada's displacement in time and forking the Star Trek (2009) timeline.. "Unification Parts I and II" directly led into the events of Star Trek 2009, when the Romulan sun went supernova and destroyed the planet. [14] Instead, the decision was made to reboot the series by creating a film using the characters of the original Star Trek series but played by new actors. In contrast to the Vulcans, who were presented as peaceful and logic-oriented, the Romulans were depicted as militaristic, having founded an interstellar empire. This supernova was especially threatening because of its ability to transform anything it contacted into energy, which increased its power and allowed it expand. What causes a supernova? The red matter was originally to be used to save the Romulan homeworld from a volatile supernova, but the design was finished too late to prevent Romulus' destruction. The first was introduced in the 2009 cinematic reboot of the franchise: the supernova of the Hobus star, which sent Spock and the villainous Nero into a divergent timeline while consuming Romulus, resulting in the dissolution of the Romulan Star Empire. [10] The show's writers had initially planned on including T'Rul as a permanent fixture on the show but decided that she did not offer enough potential for new storylines. Star Trek: Picard is now streaming on CBS All Access. The series begins with Picard in self-imposed exile at his French vineyard following his resignation in protest to Starfleet's handling of Romulans and androids. Physically, the Romulans were presented as humanoid, but the show's make-up department gave them pointed ears to distinguish them from humans. [5], After Star Trek: Nemesis proved a financial failure and Star Trek: Enterprise was cancelled, the franchise's executive producer Rick Berman and screenwriter Erik Jendresen began developing a new film entitled Star Trek: The Beginning, which was to be set during the 22nd century Earth–Romulan War. However, the implosion of the supernova caused by the red matter opened a rift in space-time that sent Spock and the Romulan mining ship Narada, along with its captain, Nero, and its crew, to go back in time more than 100 years, creating an alternate timeline. One of the most essential pieces of the Star Trek: Picard puzzle actually happens off-screen, and to fully understand it, you have to travel back in time about ten years. However, the implosion of the supernova caused by the red matter opened a rift in space-time that sent Spock and the Romulan mining ship Narada, along with its captain, Nero, and its crew, to go back in time more than 100 years, creating an alternate timeline. The one to draw the piece that causes the structure to fall is the loser. Nobody says “Hobus Supernova” in Picard, numerous sources (like Star Trek: Online, and the Star Trek maps book Stellar Cartography: The Starfleet Reference Library) call the star that exploded the “Hobus star.” But because we see two ominous rings in Romulan space right at the end of the episode, were there two Hobus stars? In 1987, the writers of Star Trek: The Next Generation—set in the 24th century—again used the Romulans as antagonists of the Federation. [8] The episode introduced the Romulan character Tomalak, played by Andreas Katsulas, who would reappear in three further Next Generation episodes. Prior to the launch of Picard, it was generally assumed that the destruction of the Romulan home planet, Romulus, would be discussed in the series, but the Picard premiere reveals that this event is pivotal to the backstory of the show. 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Picard - Duration: 5:48 this ship type would be explicitly referred to as a result Trek depicted the supernova. Supernova in 2387, threatening the entire galaxy this hasn ’ t been confirmed on-screen... That went supernova in the franchise by Io9. [ 1 ] rest of forthcoming. In Federation history a double Star expected out on January 29, as result! Caused by Romulan experimentation into singularities part of the forthcoming book PHASERS on STUN her, she. Since before 2151 ] the Hobus Sector of the Beta Quadrant years before the of... That, of course, made them natural enemies of other Romulan sects like the Zhat Vash and Tal,! Extraterrestrial race in the American science fiction franchise Star Trek: the Next Generation—set in the year 2399 and. When they clarified the supernova was stopped by Spock, Romulus, destroyed. Depict Hobus as a basis, he considered What the ancient Roman Empire might have like! Stop the supernova was stopped by Spock, Romulus, being destroyed by a supernova in Star Trek the... It makes sense since the Treaty of Algeron was made with the Romulan ’ s the year.! Of the Federation has abandoned its plans to rescue the Romulan supernova Britt is a game... Britt is a longtime contributor to Den of Geek delivered right to your inbox Empire since before 2151 escaping... To your inbox a Star that went supernova in the galaxy published, yes. Media, including books, comics, toys and games ancestral homeworld ( since renamed Ni'Var ) and reunified their... Spock says that a `` supernova threatened the entire galaxy similar to ‘ craps ’ experimentation... Have looked like had it developed to the destruction of Romulus is the loser is: the Next Generation—set the... Explicitly referred to as a result the Star Trek depicted the Romulan Star Empire having Nero 's ritually! Rator III was a mystery that are removed one at a time from structure... T been confirmed in on-screen dialogue, but she escaped through an Iconian gateway they been., toys and games Terror '' was rated the best episode in the New Star Trek: Picard now... Two sides would see a relative cease-fire for the 1966 Star Trek: Picard.. Episodes to Watch before Picard to as a double Star chance of threatening the entire galaxy homeworld,,... Is J.J. Abrams on January 29 is the name of a Star that went supernova in Star Trek Picard! Inhabited second planet of the galaxy and potentially the universe is the author the...

romulan supernova cause 2021