This award winning Icelandic author is famously known for her gritty and hard hitting crime novels set within the suburbs of Iceland. Eins og síðustu ár er Arnaldur Indriðason á toppnum með nýjustu bókina sína Tregasteinn. 13 March 2020. Her début crime novel was translated into English by Bernard Scudder.The central character in her crime novels so far is Thóra Gudmundsdóttir (Þóra Guðmundsdóttir), a lawyer. Thanks! Alexander, Yrsa Sigurðardóttir & Amanda. She is a single mother of two children, Soley and Gylfi, who are ten years apart in age. Independent Her stand alone crime novel, I Remember You, won the Icelandic Crime Fiction Award in 2011 as well as being nominated for the much sought after Glass Key Award. She is married and has two grown up children and lives in the Reykjavik suburb of Seltjarnarnes. Insert your e-mail below to start getting these recommendations. Cuatro personas tienen que ir a un faro remoto, situado en un en un islote del … During her investigation, Thora is joined once again by Matthew, who is on holiday. In dansk. 11 tis. However things do not go quite as Thora planned, as in her eyes, Matthew is more of a hindrance than help. Independent He plays very much a supporting role within the narrative, but through Thora’s descriptions of him and their endless telephone conversations, we learn that their divorce was hardly amicable but that he is a good father. This was also in the field of civil engineering. He is a family friend and they introduce him to Thora, so that he can help her with the investigation. During the book series their relationship grows and we see the dynamics between them change, that help with the overall character and plot development. Áður en hún sneri sér að blóðugum reyfurum hafði hún skrifað fjörlegar barnabækur og hlotið verðlaun og lof fyrir. She has also won many awards for her children’s writing, one of which was the coveted Icelandic Children’s Book Prize in 2003 for her story, Bloborn. Vilborg Yrsa Sigurðardóttir (f.24. Her second book in the Thora Gudmundsdottir series, My Soul to Take, made it to the 2010 Shamus Award shortlist. Hin árlegi bókasölulisti Félags íslenskra bókaútgefanda (FÍBÚT) er kominn út! She has authored a successful award winning crime series of books based around the central character of Thora Gudmundsdottir, who is a lawyer and single mother of two children. Yrsa has won many awards for her crime writing. Vilborg Yrsa Sigurðardóttir (født 24. august 1963) er en islandsk forfatter, som både skriver børnebøger og krimier.Hun debuterede som børnebogsforfatter i 1998 og som krimiforfatter i 2005 med bogen Det tredje tegn (på dansk 2006), der blev oversat til mere end 30 forskellige sprog. People do have expectations though. Your email address will not be published. Bókabúð Forlagsins. Áður en sagan kom út á íslensku hafði útgáfurétturinn verið seldur víðar en dæmi voru áður um þegar um ís He is a German ex policeman and he helps Thora on her journey to solving the mutters that she becomes entangled with. Hún lauk stúdentsprófi frá Menntaskólanum í Reykjavík árið 1983, lauk BS gráðu í byggingaverkfræði frá Háskóla Íslands árið 1988 og MS prófi í sömu grein frá Concordia University í Montreal í Kanada árið … (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Every 2 weeks we send out an e-mail with 6-8 Book Recommendations. Risavaxið egó Herra Bóbó. [1] En 1988, se recibió de ingeniera civil en la Universidad de Islandia, y luego consiguió una maestría en la Universidad de Montreal en 1997. Hin árlegi bókasölulisti Félags íslenskra bókaútgefanda (FÍBÚT) er kominn út! Her books to date have been translated from their native Icelandic tongue into many different languages and have been sold in over thirty countries. [Ashes to Dust: Thora Gudmundsdottir Book 3] [Author: Sigurdardottir, Yrsa] [April, 2011] To se mi líbí. „Það er þægilegt að fara úr því að skrifa um kalsár á fólki sem er að deyja á öræfum og svo að skrifa um kött sem þykist vera í geimfaraáætlun sem er styrkt af síldarverksmiðjum,“ segir Yrsa Sigurðardóttir sem er með tvær bækur í jólabókaflóði ársins. He assists her with uncovering the truth. Biografía. Her works have been translated into English by Bernard Scudder, Philip Roughton and Victoria Cobb.She is known for her Thóra Gudmundsdóttir (Þóra Guðmundsdóttir) crime novel series. Apart from being a novelist, Yrsa has also worked as a civil engineer. Please note that as an Amazon Associate, I earn money from qualifying purchases. Independent The murder victim is a young woman, the architect who helped to design the spa, and she is found dead on the beach with pins having been inserted into her palms. 1963) is an award-winning, No. Dukken er femte selvstændige bog i krimiserien om efterforskeren Huldar og børnepsykologen Freya. Yrsa started to write fiction in 1998. Yrsa Sigurðardóttir er með tvær bækur í jólabókaflóðinu í ár. I am often asked by readers of the site if I accept donations as a “thank you” for the work I put into the site. We'll base this on various factors for example "If you like Jack Reacher..." or "If you like short stories in the horror genre". I just recently started reading Bentley Little and I am HOOKED. At the beginning of the book we learn that a German student, who is studying Icelandic history, is brutally murdered within his University campus. Opnunartímar í Bókabúð Forlagsins: Mánudag-föstudags kl. Við elskum bækur. The killing is particularly grotesque as his eyes have been gouged out. Check him out. … I’d recommend The Store first. Yrsa Sigurðardóttir nació el 24 de agosto de 1963 en Reikiavik, Islandia, y finalizó la secundaria en 1983. 1 best-selling Icelandic crime fiction author. However although the subject matter is rather dark, there are some brilliantly funny and quirky moments in this book that make it a lighter read than what the subject matter projects. Yrsa graduated from high school in 1983. Cuatro personas tienen que ir a un faro remoto, situado en un en un islote del … 24.11.2020 - 12:47 ... og svo að skrifa um kött sem þykist vera í geimfaraáætlun sem er styrkt af síldarverksmiðjum,“ segir Yrsa Sigurðardóttir sem er með tvær bækur í jólabókaflóði ársins. Tilnefnt er í flokki fræðibóka og rita almenns efnis, barna- og ungmennabóka og fagurbókmennta, en fimm bækur eru tilnefndar í hverjum flokki. Við elskum bækur. Where their investigation leads them is into the dark and disturbing world of torture and witchcraft. Vilborg Yrsa Sigurðardóttir (born in 1963) is an Icelandic writer of both crime novels and children's fiction.She has been writing since 1998. Weighs 600 g and measures 230 mm x 155 mm x 30 mm. Við gefum út bækur og seljum bækur okkar og annarra útgefenda í vefverslun og í Bókabúð Forlagsins á Fiskislóð 39 á minnst 15% afslætti frá fullu verði allan ársins hring. Í öðru sæti situr þó óvæntur gestur, Gunnar Már Sigfússon með Keto – Hormónalausnina. Sigurdardóttir made her crime fiction debut in 2005 with Last Rituals, the first installment in the Thóra Gudmundsdóttir series.She has since gone on to write a number of acclaimed stand-alone thriller novels, and is to date translated into more than 30 languages. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. She originally trained as a civil engineer as she had gained a B. Sc in Cilvil Engineering in 1988 from the University of Iceland and then further gained an M.Sc from the Concordia University in Montreal, Canada, in 1987. Yrsa vakti mikla athygli þegar hún sendi frá sér sína fyrstu glæpasögu, Þriðja táknið haustið 2005. What they do find, is that rather unpleasant things occurred at the farmhouse many decades ago and that they have become intertwined with their current investigation. vísir/vilhelm The books of Yrsa Sigurdardottir have put Iceland firmly on the crime writers map, along other prolific writers such as Arnaldur Indriuason. 11 mil Me gusta. 12 puhuu tästä. Yrsa Sigurðardóttir (1963) er í hópi fremstu glæpasagnahöfunda Norðurlanda, að mati breska stórblaðsins The Times. Mentiras, el nuevo thriller de Yrsa Sigurðardóttir lo tiene todo para inquietarte: ambientado en una isla recóndita, escenarios espectaculares y una historia trepidante. She wrote The Danes Were in Trouble There, (Par Iagu Danir i pvi), which was her first book for children in 1998. Genre: Krimi og Spænding. The dude is dark and depraved but his ideas and stories are excellent. Væntanlegar bækur 2020-10-20. She is the author of the Thora Gudmundsdottir series. 422 pages. Önnur er hryllileg glæpasaga en hin er barnabók um kött. A “new to me” author. Online shopping from a great selection at Books Store. "A generator of fear quite as adroit as such writers as Stephen King." Fréttastofa Bjarts & Veraldar reynir nú eftir megni að grafa upp elstu menn til að athuga hvort það hafi gerst áður að einhver annar en Yrsa Sigurðardóttir eða Arnaldur Indriðason toppi báða listana. She still works as a civil engineer today and is a divisional manager for Fjarhitun, one of Iceland’s biggest engineering firms, as well as being a full time writer. Það er gleðilegt að sjá hve margar barna- og unglingabækur ná á heildarlistann – eftir íslenska höfunda og þýddar. Released 20/3. The answer is no. [2] Posteriormente, llegó a ser directora de la empresa de ingeniería Fjarhitun. Mest seldu bækur ársins 2020: Nýr bóksölukóngur krýndur Jakob Bjarnar skrifar 5. janúar 2021 14:18 Ólafur Jóhann Ólafsson náði að velta Arnaldi Indriðasyni úr hásæti sínu en þar hefur hann setið fastur fyrir undanfarna áratugina. Like I said though the dude writes some messed up stuff so be cautious if that sort of thing isn’t your cup of tea. Thanks! Throughout this dark crime series of books we meet several characters. Thora is an extremely likeable and realistic character, who appears to be like any other hardworking mother; it’s just that she has a nose for finding trouble and for wanting to solve murder mysteries, instead of leaving these particular problems to the police. I do my best to make sure the book lists are complete and current, but due to human or machine error while attempting to keep 9000+ authors up to date, the occasional book can be missed or will be listed under an alternate title. Vilborg Yrsa Sigurðardóttir (born 1963) is an Icelandic novelist.She writes both crime novels and children's fiction in Icelandic.She has been writing since 1998. "A generator of fear quite as adroit as such writers as Stephen King." Eins og síðustu ár er Arnaldur Indriðason á toppnum með nýjustu bókina sína Tregasteinn. She wrote her debut crime fiction novel, Last Rituals, in 2005, and it was published by Verold Publishing. She is married with two children. In 2000 she was given the Icelandic Department of International Board of Books for Young People (IBBY) Award for her book, We Want Christmas in July (Vio viljum jolin i juli). Við gefum út bækur og seljum bækur okkar og annarra útgefenda í vefverslun og í Bókabúð Forlagsins á Fiskislóð 39 á minnst 15% afslætti frá fullu verði allan ársins hring. "A generator of fear quite as adroit as such writers as Stephen King." Snerting eftir Ólaf Jóhann Ólafsson er mest selda bók ársins 2020 samkvæmt metsölulistanum í Eymundsson og Bóksölulistanum. Yrsa Sigurdardottir This award winning novel opens with a murder having been committed at a newly opened health spa that has recently been renovated from a derelict farmhouse. We are also introduced to Thora’s ex husband, Hannes, who is a surgeon. The second book in the Thora Gudmundsdottir crime series is My Soul to Take. The links beside each book title will take you to Amazon, who I feel are the best online retailer for books where you can read more about the book, or purchase it. Although she predominantly writes crime fiction under the fiction umbrella of ‘Nordic noir’ she has also authored five books for children and teenagers. 10-18 Laugardaga kl. Yrsa Sigurðardóttir. This is when the reader first meets Matthew. This is when they decide to hire Thora, in the hope that she can find the true killer. As already mentioned Yrsa is most famous for her series of books that centre around the female lawyer Thora Gudmundsdottir. She struggles between balancing her work commitments, looking after her children and finding love. Books In Order. Yrsa Sigurdardottir is an Icelandic author of crime fiction and children’s books. Yrsa has won many awards for her crime writing. Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Þinn eigin tölvuleikur – Ævar Þór Benediktsson, Sextíu kíló af sólskini – kilja – Hallgrímur Helgason, Gamlinginn sem hugsaði með sér að hann væri farinn að hugsa of mikið – Jonas Jonasson, Keto – hormónalausnin – Gunnar Már Sigfússon, Um tímann og vatnið – Andri Snær Magnason, Orri óstöðvandi – Hefnd glæponanna – Bjarni Fritzson, Útkall – Tifandi tímasprengja – Óttar Sveinsson, Aðferðir til að lifa af – Guðrún Eva Mínervudóttir, Síldarárin 1867-1969 – Páll Baldvin Baldvinsson, Léttir réttir Frikka – Friðrik Dór Jónsson, Saknað: íslensk mannshvörf – Bjarki H. Hall, Björgvin Páll Gústavsson – Án filters – Björgvin Páll Gústavsson og Sölvi Tryggvason, Vigdís – Bókin um fyrsta konuforsetann – Rán Flygenring, Barnið sem hrópaði í hljóði – Jónína Leósdóttir, Selta, apókrýfa úr ævi landlæknis – Sölvi Björn Sigurðsson, Dagbók Kidda klaufa 11: Allt á hvolfi – Jeff Kinney, Fjallaverksmiðja Íslands – Kristín Helga Gunnarsdóttir, Ungfrú fótbolti – Brynhildur Þórarinsdóttir, PAX 3 – Útburðurinn – Asa Larsson, Ingela Korsell og Henrik Jonsson, Bestu limrurnar – Ragnar Ingi Aðalsteinsson ritstýrði, Til þeirra sem málið varðar – Einar Már Guðmundsson, Jakobína saga skálds og konu – Sigríður K. Þorgrímsdóttir, Óstýrláta mamma mín … og ég – Sæunn Kjartansdóttir, Gústi – alþýðuhetjan, fiskimaðurinn og kristniboðinn – Sigurður Ægisson, Vængjaþytur vonarinnar – Margrét Dagmar Ericsdóttir, Systa – bernskunnar vegna – Vigdís Grímsdóttir, Húðflúrarinn í Auschwitz – Heather Morris. El 24 de agosto de 1963 en Reikiavik, Islandia, y la... 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