In an automotive engine, motor oil stays in the crankcase where it belongs. Phase 1 of the project, preliminary miscibility screening, has been completed. The oils have good miscibility with R-12 and superior stability. “Refrigera- tion oils are generally required to have good miscibility with the refrigerant, good lubricity and chemical stability under the refrigerant atmospheres. PVE is an ideal lubricant for use with HFCs. 1Low Refrigerant Concentrations are 0, 10, 20 and 30 weight percent refrigerant. Polyvinylether (PVE) can be used in place of PAG and POE with HFC refrigerants. Solubility data of refrigerant/lubricant mixtures have been modeled with cubic equations of state (EOS): van der Waals (vdW), Soave-modified Redlich–Kwong (SRK), or Peng–Robinson (PR) types. Oils that are soluble and miscible with the refrigerant are advantageous. Alternative oils with good miscibility with HFCs have been developed, because mineral oil, the primary oil used with R-22, has low miscibility with HFC. There are two advantages of this property of R12. Mineral oils typically used with R-22 has relativity low Miscibility with R-410A. One of the most important characteristics of the oil is miscibility with refrigerant and good miscibility is usually acceptable. Good refrigerant miscibility properties Reliable lubrication properties High stability in combination with HFO-1234yf Oil solution: POE or PAG …? Mineral refrigerant oil, also known as Alkyl Benzene oil, is probably the one that most of you are used to. by:Arkool 2021-01-14. a, refrigerant thermodynamic properties of . These refrigerant fluids operate better with poliol ester, but were designed for use in mineral oils and alkyl-benzene. (6) Low impurity content: 1kg of frozen oil should contain less than 40mg of water and no mechanical impurities; (7) Good insulation performance: the breakdown voltage is required to be above 25kV. … Further included are heat-transfer compositions and also equipment and processes using these compositions. Field performance has shown miscibility with the refrigerant and better heat transfer properties of the lubricant itself. Shell Clavus SD 22-12 is a special duty refrigerator compressor lubricant based on a blend of alkylated benzene and naphthenic mineral oil. PAG oils and CO 2 only allow limited miscibility (larger miscibility gap with CO 2). These refrigerant fluids operate better with poliol ester, but were designed for use in mineral oils and alkyl-benzene. Furthermore, a theoretical method of a new evaluation index was proposed to predict the miscibility of refrigerants with mineral oils with satisfactory accuracy. The oil-refrigerant mixture Moreover, when R32 is dissolved in refrigeration oils, the provides good lubricity for protection against wear, and has excellent miscibility with non-HFC refrigerants. Polyolester (POE) – The most common oil utilized in refrigeration and air conditioning systems using HFC / HFO refrigerants. Therefore, a general understanding of the oil-refrigerant mixture flow with foam formation through small channels is crucial in order to develop a knowledge basis onto which lubrication and gas leakage models can be built. CompStar® SK Series is fully synthetic refrigeration oils based on chemically and thermally stable alkyl benzene. As the same model has also been validated by Grando and Prata (2003) for another type of mixture, this is a good indication that it can be generalized for predicting the two-phase flow with foam formation for other oil-refrigerant mixtures, mainly if the actual values of the foam parameters are employed. MISCIBILITY PVE has superior miscibility with R-410A compared to POE. chemical miscibility of the refrigerant-lubricant pair is a good indicator of how well the refrigerant will help move the oil around the system. In automotive air conditioning systems, polyglycol (PAG) is used by most manufacturers, but some manufacturers recommend POE for retrofits. HFC-134a Good Price pure and safety car air conditioner gas refrigerant 134a 1000g. are used as lubricants in sealed refrigerator systems. If possible, the refrigerant must be odorless, but easy detection in the air is desirable. Firstly, there is no problem of the oil return back to compressor. Safety properties of refrigerants considering flammability and toxicity are defined by ASHRAE standard 34 [1]. in the refrigeration temperature range, and … Ether oil is thus used as the refrigerant oil for both R32 and R410A units, but product It can be found that R161 has good miscibility with mineral oil, while R32 has poor miscibility with POE and PVE oils used with R410A under common refrigeration conditions. R32 is known to have lower miscibility with refrigeration oils than do other refrigerants such as HFCs and HFOs. Generally large refrigerant systems, particularly those using ammonia as a refrigerant, are equipped with oil separators. Another significant difference between R-410A and R-22 is its saturation pressure range. Miscibility is typically studied by mixing known concentrations of refrigerant and oil and lowering the temperature until a phase separation is observed. As a side effect, part of it is carried by the refrigerant and circulates through the entire cycle. This miscibility is a very important factor in the returning of the lubricant to the compressor in a refrigeration system over its range of operating temperatures. Polyvinyl ethers are also being introduced in some applications. Looking for more information about oil? The table below helps to choose the most adequate option. The refrigerant dissolved in the oil significantly reduces the viscosity, improving oil fluidity and minimising the negative influence on heat transfer in heat exchangers. u Flash point: the lowest temperature at which flash oil vaporizes when in contact with flame, (5) Good chemical stability: low acid value. Syn-thetic, polyalphaolefin-based refrig- eration oils are not miscible with CO 2. It has a very good miscibility with refrigerants which have only limited miscibility with conventional mineral oils. miscibility between the refrigerant and refrigeration oil must be assured, because the oil needs to return to the compressor from the refrigeration cycle and lubricate the sliding parts. (2) the cloud point is lower than the evaporation temperature; u Cloud point: Traces of paraffin remain in the frozen oil. Electric compressors add a further dimension in that refrigerant and oil come into contact with live electrical parts, so they need a lubricant with the correct de-electric profile. Hydrocarbon lubricants, such as naphthene mineral oil or alkylbenzene, have excellent miscibility with conventional chlorine-containing refrigerants due to the high lipophilicity of chlorine. Different concentrations of oil-refrigerant mixtures are tested. Refrigerant miscibility according to DIN 51514: The miscibility behaviour of the refrigeration oil with various refrigerants is shown in miscibility-gap diagrams. Miscibility studies were conducted over a temperature range of … PVE is completely miscible on the low side of the system. PVE is used for A/C systems as well as refrigerator and freezer applications. The BVA RPOE Series offers excellent miscibility with HFC refrigerants. The properties of the oil selected must be suitable for this purpose. different refrigerant liquid and the lubricating oil solubility is different, the same refrigerant oil with different solubility is different also, some complete miscibility, sometimes almost insoluble, dissolve and some parts. Both have good miscibility with the new alternative refrigerants and possess good electrical insulation that is important in hermetic compressors where the electrical motor is … It is completely miscible with R-410A at most operating pressures as shown in the right-hand graphic in Figure 7. Développement d’une huile à miscibilité améliorée pour le R32. R-404A / R-452A and mineral oils are not miscible. The temperature at this time is called the cloud point. bility, non-toxicity, good miscibility with oil. The physical, chemical and thermal properties of the frozen oil should meet the following requirements: It also has good solvency and light color for use as a process oil or as a blending component in other lubricants. Therefore, the refrigerating oil has to lubricate and cool the moving parts without adversely affecting the refrigeration system. POE has good miscibility with mineral oils, whereas PAG oils have poor miscibility. Remember, R-410A is a near azeotrope that is subject to some … Previous: Relationship Between Refrigeration Oil And Compressor, Next: How To Distinguish Poor Quality Refrigerant, Halocarbon C318 C4F8 Octafluorocyclobutane Used as Propellant in Food industry and Refrigerants, Miscibility Of Refrigeration Oil And Refrigerant. Suitable for very low evaporation temperatures down to -80° C. Choosing refrigerants have what demand? This behaviour is determined in pressure-resistant glass tubes or in autoclaves. 9. It must be highlighted, that the compatibility between these two elements is essential for proper functioning of the compressor and for its daily life. In the case of HFO refrigerants, the chemical stability could be a prob- lem,” says Akira Tada, an engineer with NOE’s Grease & … The physical, chemical and thermal properties of the frozen oil should meet the following requirements: (1) Appropriate viscosity: The viscosity is too large, the flow resistance is large, the frictional power consumption and starting resistance of the compressor will increase; the viscosity is too small, the lubricant film is not easily formed, and the sealing property is also affected. refrigerant and oil, the new oil must be miscible with the old oil in the system. Miscibility is the ability of an oil to dissolve uniformly in refrigerant in either the liquid or vapor state. system and the composition of the refrigerant has very minor changes if a leak occurs. (4) The flash point is high enough: 20-30 degrees higher than the compressed exhaust gas temperature. Ammonia on the other hand is not miscible and a specific system design is required to separate the oil from the condensed ammonia. The 36%, 47%, 68%, 81%, and 90% 7 refrigerant mixtures were immiscible at temperatures below -40.3°C, -30.1°C, -20.5°C, -9.7°C, and -19.6°C, respectively. With non-miscible refrigerants, once oil has passed to the system, its return to the crankcase can only be effected with difficulty. This helps in using the compressor of low compression ratio that has higher efficiency. • Propane (R290), n-butane (R600) and iso-butane (R600a) and their mixtures are the leading candidates. Synthetic oils with limited miscibility with the refrigerant at its vaporisation temp. Electrolytic Cd60b Motor Start Capacitors. @article{osti_417971, title = {Oil-return characteristics of refrigerant oils in split heat pump system}, author = {Sundaresan, S G and Radermacher, R}, abstractNote = {Currently, HFC substitute refrigerants for R-22 are being evaluated in air-conditioning and heat pump applications. Alkylbenzene (AB) – a synthetic oil suitable for refrigeration systems using CFC or HCFC refrigerants. In refrigeration systems, lubricant oil cannot be considered alone, because it functions as a refrigerant-oil mixture. R449A Refrigerant Gas With Good Quantity. 10. The refrigerating oil is highly miscible with the refrigerant and enters the condenser and the evaporator with the refrigerant. Additionally, they have total miscibility with fluorocarbon refrigerants. Relationship Between Refrigeration Oil And Compressor, How To Distinguish Poor Quality Refrigerant. lubricity for protection against wear, and has excellent miscibility with non-HFC refrigerants. The results showed that DME has good miscibility with various types of lubricants. 2。 3, refrigerant and oil solubility . Hard Start Capacitor Spp6 Spp5. These lubricants have therefore been widely used as refrigeration lubricants with CFC-12 and HCFC-22. This relationship results in a mutual solubility effect when the refrigerant blend is mixed with mineral oil, for example. It is compatible with mineral oil and compared to mineral oil, it has improved refrigerant miscibility at low-temperature conditions which is why it was and is often used with HCFC refrigerants in commercial refrigeration. The material on this site may not be reproduced , distributed, transmitted, saved or used without explicit permission of the Refrigeration Club Edition. R290 (Propane) is added as the third component to R402A/B and R403A/B to improve miscibility with traditional lubricants as hydrocarbons have especially good solubility characteristics. [/caption]. These studies examined mixtures at three refrigerant-lubricant concentrations (10, 50, and 95% refrigerant by weight) and a single viscosity for each lubricant. The problem of oil return to the compressor crankcase is simplified when an oil-miscible refrigerant is used, by the admixture of the oil and the refrigerant in the system. Recently, the CP-4214 SERIES fluids have been tested with R-502 and found to be miscible to very low temperatures when the ISO viscosity grade selected is ISO 150 or lower. Desirable chemical and safety properties comprise chemical stability within the working conditions in the refrigeration unit in the presence of used materials and lubricating oil, non-flammability, non-toxicity, good miscibility with oil. * HFCs used for substitution of HCFCs in retrofits. Utilization of non-CFC refrigerants urges compressor engineers to develop new refrigeration oils compatible with the CfC alternatives. Miscibility data were obtained at oil mass fractions from 5 to 50% over a temperature range from -60 to 0 °C. 1234yf refrigerant gas. 3Mineral Oil 4Polyalkylene Glycol (butyl monoether) 5Polyolester (Pentaerythritol) - Mixed Acid 6Polyolester (Pentaerythritol) - Branched Acid … If refrigerant oil did the same thing—that is, if it remained in the refrigerant gaz r 1234 yf refrigerant gas r1234yf. The use of 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoroethane for increasing the miscibility of 2,3,3,3-tetrafluoropropene with a lubricating oil, and in particular with a polyalkylene glycol oil. It must not be used with copper, brass or bronze and has a tendency for seal shrinkage. The compressor acts as the heart for the A/C system; performing a critical role whereby, if the compressor stops working, the Air Conditioning system will fail too. DR-5 and R444B can be good alternatives to R134a, R404A, R410A and R22, respectively. R ch e. structur POE chem . Excellent solubility and excellent stability with HCFC refrigerants, Particularly good miscibility with HCFC refrigerants, such as R22. performance characteristics: high oil film strength; Good chemical stability; The flow of the special properties; Low floc point; Outstanding thermal stability; Good miscibility with the coolant. Read here! This efficiency improvement is largely attributed to higher viscosity under dilution and temperature conditions. Oil is used in refrigeration systems to lubricate compressor bearings and other moving parts. Today, a big variety of refrigerant fluids are in use, and because of this, it is necessary to check its compatibility with the different types of lubricant oil. Mainly in the 80 and 90-decade, several works related to oil-refrigerant … A. Miscibility 1. Famous R448a Refrigerant 10kg For Europe Market. Alkyl Benzene oil is … It also has excellent chemi-cal and thermal stability, as well as, superior lubric- ity characteristics on steel and aluminum. If possi-ble, the refrigerant must be odorless, but easy detection in the air is desirable. (3) The freezing point is sufficiently low; (the freezing point of the R22 system is below 55 degrees below zero), u Freezing point: the temperature at which the frozen oil loses fluidity. POE oils is also more hydrolytic stable than PAG oils. Analysis of the obtained results showed that the solubility of refrigerant/lubricant mixtures depends weakly on the viscosity grade of the oil. Analysis of the obtained results showed that the solubility of refrigerant/lubricant mixtures depends weakly on the viscosity grade of the oil. The oil therefore should have the correct lubrication performance, viscosity and miscibility with refrigerant. Toxicity classification of re-frigerants is assigned to classes A or B. When the temperature drops to a certain value, the paraffin begins to precipitate. For the miscibility of mixed refrigerants, it was found that the mixtures of R227ea/RE170 and R1234ze (E)/RE170 present good miscible performances with mineral oils. XIAMEN JUDA TRADING CO.,LTD.COOLMAX INDUSTRIAL CO.,LTD. Refrigerant Compressor Oil meets the performance requirements of leading OEMs for use in refrigeration system compressors Refrigerant Compressor Oil meets the performance requirements of leading OEMs by:Arkool 2020-12-16. The oil return characteristics and heat transfer effects of the lubricants are being studied again. Refrigerant Compressor Oil is manufactured from carefully selected wax-free base stocks to have a low pour point and a low fl oc point for use in refrigeration system compressors. Oil-refrigerant mixture Synthetic refrigeration oils for NH 3 applications ... offer good CO 2 miscibility. structure PAG . Therefore, the refrigerating oil has to lubricate and cool the moving parts without adversely affecting the refrigeration system. What other information Do I need to have about oil. It also has good solvency and light color for use as a process oil or as a blending component in other lubricants. By using this site you are aware of the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. An experimental device was designed to measure the miscibility of refrigerant and lubricant mixtures. 2. "Substantial amounts of the fluorocarbon refrigerant will also dissolve in the oil sufficiently, providing the necessary oil transport properties." General properties of refrigerants and requirements. Hold tight! This site uses cookies. * HFCs used for substitution of HCFCs in retrofits. Using an inadequate lubricant oil can result in serious problems, such as: We will treat other aspects related to lubricant oil – such as the viscosity and correct load – in future editions. 3. 2.2 Carbon Dioxide (CO 2) R-744 CO 2 has been used as a refrigerant since 1850 and is now regaining popularity due to its low environmental impact. PAG (Polyalkylene glycols) and POE (polyolesters) were the strongest candidates to replace the traditional mineral oil. Miscibility of Refrigeration Oil and Refrigerant. A set of simple equations was derived to describe the experimental results. KC However, R32 is known to have lower miscibility with refrigeration oils than do other refrigerants such as HFCs and HFOs. Depending on the type of compressor different kinds of … Moreover, when R32 is The refrigerating oil is highly miscible with the refrigerant and enters the condenser and the evaporator with the refrigerant. The condensed refrigerant, e.g. Moreover, when R32 is dissolved in refrigeration oils, the kinematic viscosity of the oil drops sharply. Miscibility is the ability of the lubricant and the refrigerant to mix. But the fact that some fractionation occurs, means that charging techniques must be adjusted. (The data are needed to determine the suitability of refrigerant/lubricant combinations for use in refrigeration systems.) The temperature dependence on the “a” parameter in the EOS is modeled with a common empirical function for pure refrigerants, including oils. 4) Miscibility with oil: Refrigerant R12 is miscible with the compressor oil under all the operating conditions. Reports have also indicated superior adiabatic efficiency of three to ten percent in these compressors when compared to naphthenic refrigeration oils. Good miscibility lets the circulating refrigerant carry oil safely round the system to the o-rings, seals and flexible pipework and back to the compressor. Please fill this form to give us feedback or report any problem when experiencing our website. R-410A has a higher pressure range curve than R-22. 2High Refrigerant Concentrations are 80, 90 and 100 weight percent refrigerant. Properties of Refrigerant Oils R32 lacks compatibility with mineral oil (SUNISO) and reduces oil return performance, so to ensure compatibility ether oil (a synthetic oil) has been selected as the refrigerant oil for R32 units. R32 is widely used as a refrigerant for air-conditioners. Find out more. It has excellent thermodynamic properties including a high cooling capacity and is therefore suitable for a large R32 is widely used as a refrigerant for air-conditioners. R32 is a refrigerant that excels in various applications and has seen wide use in recent years. 10.9kg cylinder refrigerant gas r410a . To en-surethat BVAhas theright polyolester for your ap-plication, the BVA POE Series comes in a wide range of viscosities ranging from ISO 22 (RPOE 22) to an ISO 220 (RPOE 220). In this chapter, the thermodynamic properties of R-134a, Polyalkylene Glycol (PAG) oil and their mixture were investigated. It is compatible with mineral oil and compared to mineral oil, it has improved refrigerant miscibility at low-temperature conditions which is why it was and is often used with HCFC refrigerants in commercial refrigeration. Oil Return Once the oil has left the compressor it must circulate through the system and return to the compressor crankcase and there are a few key factors that impact oil return- Oil/refrigerant miscibility (how well the oil mixes and moves with the refrigerant) Oil Viscosity (oil thickness) Refrigerant velocity throughout the circuit Lubrication He said there are those within the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) who are looking at the issue, but \"these are just the beginnings of the investigative process. By continuing to use this site you agree to our use of cookies. 3. In these systems, it is desirable to use a lubricant that is immiscible or has low miscibility with the refrigerant fluid. In case of good miscibility between the refrigerant gas and the oil, if the oil is carried into the circuit it will come back easily with refrigerant. This study tries to identify influence of oil-refrigerant solubility on the performance of refrigerant compressors. Development of miscibility improved oil for R32. The report gives results of miscibility, solubility, viscosity, and density measurements for refrigerant R-236fa and two potential lubricants. In the past, so-called naphthenic mineral oils … (Please note that while Alkyl Benzene oil can be used as a replacement in most mineral oil applications these two oils are not the exact same. Xiamen Juda Trading Co.,Ltd welcomes your comments! • Hydrocarbons (HC) are the refrigerants favoured in many European countries. For these blends two variations are offered in each case. To achieve an acceptable miscibility between the refrigerant and the lubricant, polyolester oils (POEs) are normally used with HFCs. R32 is known to have lower miscibility with refrigeration oils than do other refrigerants such as HFCs and HFOs. Naphthenic Mineral Oil (ISO 32) The 12%, 20%, and 95% refrigerant mixtures were miscible throughout the test temperature range.