I noticed that there is a "DefinitionQuery' and a 'ViewDefinitionQuery' with the exact same values in my layer definition. Hope that helps. When a display filter is active, all features in the layer remain in the layer's attribute table and can be selected, identified, edited, and be available for geoprocessing operations. Why is this only available on an ArcGIS Online hosted feature when the other date querying statements are available regardless of data source? Tracking is available on feature layers from ArcGIS Server 10.1 or later releases and hosted feature layers. Sorry if I wrote something wrong. Thanks for helping me out! Why are there two? After signing into the AGOL Assistant using your AGOL credentials, click 'I want to' and choose 'View an Item's JSON': 3. Click the pencil at the top right to begin editing. Would any know how I would filter a date field by the last hour? You will then want to update the definitionExpression using a SQL function (i.e. Applying filters so only certain crimes, such as arson, display on the map can provide insight into patterns of where arsons are set and help law enforcement officials prevent future attempts. CURRENT_TIMESTAMP expression to get the current date time. Still was unable to get it to work in AGO. condition = The layer is called "Homeless Camps". The LOW filter option is an averaging (smoothing) filter. "COMPLETEDATE BETWEEN (CURRENT_TIMESTAMP - 60) AND (CURRENT_TIMESTAMP + 1) OR COMPLETEDATE IS NULL", COMPLETEDATE BETWEEN (CURRENT_TIMESTAMP - 60) AND (CURRENT_TIMESTAMP + 1), "definitionExpression": "(CURRENT_TIMESTAMP < DATESTART AND CURRENT_TIMESTAMP + 14 > DATESTART) OR (CURRENT_TIMESTAMP BETWEEN DATESTART AND DATECOMP), Comunidad Esri Colombia - Ecuador - Panamá, Calculate field values—ArcGIS Online Help | ArcGIS. Save your changes by clicking the save option at the top right. If for some reason you do here is the sql functions: Standardized SQL functions in ArcGIS Online—ArcGIS Online Help | ArcGIS. To restore the editing operation previously undone, click Redo or press Ctrl+Y. That was another method I was trying out. Your best bet is to contact Tech Support - they'll be able to troubleshoot. Start ArcMap. My next attempt is to use the same definition query applied to the feature class/map document before I go to publish to ArcGIS Server. from here: it appears that filter "in the last" only works with hosted feature services. Is there any way to get a filter setting that would modify the "after" operator and allow you to make a selection like "today", or create a new operator that would be "after and including" with selections like "today" and "yesterday"? In the below example, by subtracting 1 and adding 1 to the GETDATE function will subtract/add one day. In CodePen, click Fork and save the pen as ArcGIS JavaScript Tutorials: Filter a feature layer. Copy the token value to use in requests. In ArcGIS Online Map Viewer, create filters on the hosted feature layer to filter the desired features. "all records last edited within the last 15 days" is what I want. Note: Before proceeding, you will want to make sure 'Allow only standard SQL queries' is unchecked within My Organization > Edit Settings > Security tab: 1. Any idea? I totally missed the comma, thanks for pointing that out. Comunidad Esri Colombia - Ecuador - Panamá, http://mapping.dublin.oh.us/arcgis/rest/services/Planning/MapServer/6, http://www.arcgis.com/home/item.html?id=b70d83ba89db4f8a97427ee237a1e60c. Save your web map and use a utility such as GeoJobe Admin Tools or AGOL Assistant to edit the JSON. I would like to import this data into my SQL Server instance to see if I am able to reproduce. Another difference is that I tested with 10.5.1. I think I got the wrong screen grab on the last comment. These are specified in the first, second, and if applicable, third settings that appear when creating a filter, respectively. I am having no luck with SQL server and ArcGIS server. However, the same syntax/query he provided does work if you use it on the feature class in the mxd prior, then publish to your ArcGIS Server. Below is the defitionExpression saved to the web map's JSON (using AGOL Assistant tool): I ran the same query directly against the SQL database (SQL Server Management Studio) and was able to return results with no problem. My attribute table is returned empty. When you modify the Json for this layer, will that be applied to all the apps that is using the same REST service or is it strictly that one layer inside that specific app/web map? For hosted feature layers, you can use the Filter Edits menus to define a filter for a specific editor and time period. In ArcGIS Online June 2016 update, we have attempted to use the new "in the last" / "not in the last" functionality and it will not work. 6. Click Details and click Content. Jake Skinner I'm dead in the water here; unable to filter features collected in the past two weeks from a SQL powered ArcGIS Server Service using: "definitionExpression": "DATE_OPERATED BETWEEN (CURRENT_TIMESTAMP - 15) and (CURRENT_TIMESTAMP + 15)". What version of SQL Server are you using? Is CURRENT_TIMESTAMP the only DateTime Function supported? Go back to ArcGIS Online and re-open your web map by going back to 'My Content' and selecting to open the web map in the ArcGIS Online Viewer. I was able to create a filter that shows events not in the last 24 months, but this filter excludes events that are happening that day - I would like the events that are currently happening to be shown on the map. Anyone have any issues since AGOL was updated? Tracking who created and last updated features is set up by the layer author. Filter condition components. Realize new opportunities and gain insight.. Your stated query would actually be a little more complex because you would have to loop through all of your records to find the record with the latest (largest value/most recent) last_edited_date, then compare and only return those records created before 15 days from the record with the latest last_edited_date. In the below example, the AGOL Assistant is used. I am curious if there is another area of code that needs to be altered to recognize the definitionExpression parameter. Any thoughts on a workaround for applying a dynamic date filter to a hosted view and honoring through the REST end point? 6. The other date filters work. Go back to ArcGIS Online and re-open your web map by going back to 'My Content' and selecting to open the web map in the ArcGIS Online Viewer. This setback is becoming quite a nuisance and has rendered a few of our apps useless. You may want to remove this option and see if you are able to filter the data correctly. Summary. Thanks Chris, will do and will post results here. Click inside the Custom filter expression box to display the available fields and functions, and begin writing your expression. I'm using hosted feature services in AGOL. Is anyone successfully filtering for features greater than CURRENT_TIMESTAMP? Rick Boggs & Evan Marshall as a workaround are you able to use the Operations Dashboard? Only the features that meet the filter's expression criteria will be visible in the map. I am testing with your sample "last_edited_date BETWEEN (CURRENT_TIMESTAMP - 15) and (CURRENT_TIMESTAMP + 1)". This was Jan 14th. If you click on the Filter option, the expression should be blank under both the View and Edit tabs: The filter will be dynamic, so as each day passes the filter updates with no user interaction. excludeWidgetId —Optional. ..I noticed the policies for allowing non standard queries has been removed. Auto-suggest helps you quickly narrow down your search results by suggesting possible matches as you type. What is the difference? They used "CURRENT_TIMESTAMP". Behind the scenes, the dashboard searches the target layer's properties for time zone information. Browse to the feature layer you want to filter and click Filter. I want to apply this same logic to a hosted view. Any advice? "ziphomeless: is the name of the zip file. Because the FeatureLayerView renders using the GPU, rendering and filtering updates happen quickly so you can update a filter as the user slides a slider thumb. The ID of the widget to exclude from forming the filter … The LOW filter option is an averaging (smoothing) filter. Ryan.Nosek_DuPage can you share the ArcGIS Server service with a Group in AGOL? When configuring the app, app authors can select from two visualization modes to define the interaction for the user: feature filter and mute. Provide information about the value in the Prompt field and a hint in the Hint field. all the features collected before 15 days from the last_edit_date field. On the dataset options menu, click Advanced Filter. From documentation on applying filters for ArcGIS Online: As a map author, you can also set up interactive filters that help your audience explore data themselves. Users have the need to apply a dynamic date filter to a feature layer within their web map . expr —Optional. Auto-suggest helps you quickly narrow down your search results by suggesting possible matches as you type. Create interactive maps and apps and share them with the rest of your organization. Here you go. In ArcGIS Online June 2016 update, we have attempted to use the new "in the last" / "not in the last" functionality and it will not work. They will confirm, and once the bug is logged, Esri's product team will be notified. Any idea?I am trying to. Learn more about how Filter works. The HIGH filter option is an edge-enhancement filter.. or maybe database specific. However, I found an issue: If I add the hosted view (with a filter on it set in the Visualization tab of the hosted view item details). Rick Boggs I was able to reproduce this as well. jskinner-esristaff The data being accessed through a hosted ArcGIS Online feature service. In general, when configuring a filter condition with a date field type, there are two types of conditions you can create: fixed date and relative date.. So each month the feature query is updated to show all the features that have not been edited in the current month. Seems something has changed with AGOL. In this tutorial you will create a simple dashboard using ArcGIS Dashboards. By default, Ask for values is checked and the list is set to show values based on the previous expressions. If you are able to get the filter to work, then it tells me that at least AGOL does support this and this is possibly something with our settings or data. So for yours if you just want to see a station within the last hour you just be able to use the filter in webmap to get obstime 'in last' hour .. you shouldn't have to do that in agol assistant. You can only filter edits on layers that have tracking enabled and have fewer than 30,000 features. I am currently rendering a NOAA Observed Weather Station to show current air temperature/wind speed/etc. The options seems to have been removed, is there a new way of doing this? Thanks for the prompt reply Sviva and Jake! The SQL query statement that the Filter dijit will parse. Use display filters when you want to draw a subset of features, but you want to retain access to all features. Load a map document that contains a graphic table element. I will share a service and add you to a group later today to test in AGO. I'm currently struggling to get the "definitionExpression" to be read properly, and consistently have a non-descriptive syntax error returned that prevents saving. [VALVE_ACTIVITIES_]WHERE DATE_OPERATED BETWEEN (CURRENT_TIMESTAMP - 15) AND (CURRENT_TIMESTAMP + 15), try "(DATE_OPERATED BETWEEN convert(date, GETDATE()-15) AND convert(date, GETDATE()+15))". Any documentation? ArcGIS. Dates are composed of two parts: date and time. I am attempting to create a community events map that has a filter which excludes events that have already happened. Check all the values you want to include in the expression. Navigate to and select the web map you saved previously. Has anyone else experienced this issue? Go back to ArcGIS Online and re-open your web map by going back to 'My Content' and selecting to open the web map in the ArcGIS Online Viewer. These are specified in the first, second, and if applicable, third settings that appear when creating a filter, respectively. The way your SQL Query is written above should actually be returning "all records last edited within the last 15 days", which might be quite a bit different than what you stated you wanted your query to be: "trying to return features collected before 15 days from the last_edited_date." In the developer tools, click the Network tab and type self into the filter box. Any idea why GETUTCDATE does not work in the place of CURRENT_TIMESTAMP for a service based on a Geodatabase stored in SQL Server? Filter condition components. Other things to check: make sure you have editor tracking enabled on your feature class (this creates the fields last_edited_date, create_date, created_user, and last_edited_user), and try adding another date field to your dataset to test your SQL queries. Click the first URL in the Name list, click the Headers tab, and scroll to Query String Parameters (the very last section). The updated clusters only display information complying with the filter including the number of features and the predominant category of the renderer, in this case fuel type. Return type: The filter expressions string. PS. 6. Instead of having to manually update the filter in the web map each day, the below steps will walk you through how to have this date update automatically each day. I found the definition query when trying to update the layer definition on the Admin REST interface, but when I change the definitionQuery or ViewDefinitionQuery to use that "GETDATE" function you mention above, I get an error that says invalid System.String and invalid 'DefinitionQuery'. If you click on the Filter option, the expression should be blank under both the View and Edit tabs: The filter will be dynamic, so as each day passes the filter updates with no user interaction. Verify that you are in layout view if necessary. Within your web map, apply a filter to your layer: 2. I'm guessing we are viewing CST time yet the JSON filter is filtering GMT time. Community. Gets the filter expressions that have been applied to a layer from all widgets unless excluded. A Location Filter allows you to define expressions that filter features based on a location layer and filter method. When filtering dates, enter the time component in your local time zone. Display filters can be determined by scale, or set manually. ; Both ArcGIS Pro and ArcMap (10.4. and later) allow time zone information to be set when publishing a service that references data stored in a registered enterprise database or geodatabase. HOWEVER, I cannot see this "view definition" in the JSON, therefore I cannot apply a dynamic date filter. This is based on the new client-side filtering capabilities of the 4.11 version of the ArcGIS API for JavaScript. I had your same issues - it is a valid SQL Query syntax, but not honored using the webmap's JSON work-around Jake showed us. This is great! ArcGIS Online has the ability to filter feature services. To filter based on a specific value, click the settings button, choose Value, and specify a value in the field.Optionally check the Ask for values check box to set up an interactive expression. If I apply the filter by augmenting the view definition: Then the filter is honored. My intention here is to view the past 15 minutes of data. This is to ensure you are getting the entire day rather than a 24 hour period. Tip: Dates in hosted feature layers are always stored in UTC. Sviva Manager I'm not sure I understand what you mean. Another goal is to show upcoming events that are 14 or 30 days from CURRENT_TIMESTAMP. My fields are DATESTART and DATECOMP. Click the Undo drop-down arrow. I am using ArcGIS Server 10.4.1 and SQL server 2014. Refer to Create filters for steps to do this. Our data is given to us through a payload in GMT time using GeoEvent server and we see it as CST time (5 hour difference) in AGOL. 5. Multiple —Filter based on multiple field values by choosing from a list of valid attribute values for the selected field. I have tried various combinations of the query (in case my syntax was off, in case something specific was needed for JSON to parse the query, etc. I would recommend logging a tech support incident. Value List—A list of predefined keywords. Usage. For other services, the "In the last" date filter is working. On the right scroll until you see Data and find the layer that has the filter (definitionExpression) applied: 4. The filter window said "GPSFixTime in the last hour". Sign into arcgis.com with your administrator credentials. You can create filters on hosted feature layers, hosted feature layer views, ArcGIS Server feature service layers, and related tables in ArcGIS Server map service layers; you cannot create filters on map notes or features imported from a file. The Value List filter is very useful for providing a set of keywords. "in the last" on a ArcGIS Server feature service. For example, they may need to show all features that were edited on the current day. I am currently adding the code like this, "definitionExpression": (obstime < DATESTART AND obstime + 14 > DATESTART) OR (obstime BETWEEN DATESTART AND DATECOMP)". Alex Gole I was able to get the following query to work to show the features within the last 15 days: "last_edited_date BETWEEN (CURRENT_TIMESTAMP - 15) and (CURRENT_TIMESTAMP + 1)". Thanks Jake! However, as others have mentioned above I can successfully query these records directly out of SQL using: SELECT *FROM [Corona_Web].[sde]. Can you export the Homeless Camps feature class to a File Geodatabase, zip this File Geodatabase, and upload the zip file to the AGOL Group? The type of filter that can be used depends on the data type of the parameter. The above will work for a hosted ArcGIS Online feature service. The code below is what I currently have in JSON format in the Admin Tools. ArcGIS Dashboards is a configurable web app available in ArcGIS Online that enables users to convey information by presenting interactive charts, gauges, maps, and other visual elements that work together on a single screen.. For more information, see What is a dashboard.. About this tutorial. NOTE: The definition expression will be relevant to the geodatabase you are using. Or throws a data error. Also, what version of ArcGIS Server? Sounds like either a service / server specific issue. Open the map in Map Viewer. Filter methods specify a spatial relationship. I would like to show only one point for the past hour. Usage. Yes, the definitionExpression is in the correct location. The ID of the layer where the filter is from. However, any guidance to make this work with ArcGIS Online web maps would be great. For example, a Value List filter can be used so that only values from a list can be specified for the parameter. Maybe the recent release ArcGIS Online perhaps broke this functionality? Right-click the graphic table element and click Properties. The only response I've received is - "It has been logged and will be fixed in an upcoming release of ArcGIS Online." How are you using the filtered data, in a web map or to present in a web application? Filtering by date is available for hosted feature layers and ArcGIS Server 10.2 and later service layers that support standardized queries. Have you had any chance to understand what has changed? Jason Ehrig-Page it looks like you have an extra parenthesis in your query: Does the same occur when you have the following: "definitionExpression": "GPSFixTime BETWEEN (current_timestamp -0.01041667) AND (current_timestamp +1)". ArcGIS Online June 2016 date filter "in the last" ... Feel free to test on the field "DateFiled" in this service (try in the last 10 months). OR can Esri please fix this bug. I have edited the JSON with the following equation: "definitionExpression": "(GPSFixTime BETWEEN (current_timestamp -0.01041667) AND (current_timestamp +1)". Sorry for not getting back earlier - the below query did work for me in the map document as a Definition Query on the feature class before I went to publish an ArcGIS Server Map Service. It gets rid of all of our points. but no success. By providing prompts and hints about the available values in the layer, you can guide your audience toward other filters they might want to … Unique (predefined) —Filter based on a value that users can choose from a static list that you define. I played around with a couple functions but was unsuccessful in the filter. To do so, click the arrow next to the crime feature layer in the contents window and click Filter. Many tools have a predefined set of keywords, such as the Field Type parameter found in the Add Field tool, or the JoinAttributes parameter of many of the tools in the Overlay toolset.. A Value List filter can be used for Long and Double data types. There are six types of parameter filters. When publishing a hosted feature layer, you can specify a source time zone and date values will be converted to UTC during the hosting process. Interesting thing is when I open up the filter in AGOL, it says it is filtering the last 15 minutes, yet the data being displayed is beyond 15 minutes. The HIGH filter option is an edge-enhancement filter.. I tried another filter that showed the past 1 hour (-0.04166667) and got the exact same number of records as filtering the past 15 minutes. Display filters in ArcGIS Pro are queries that limit which features of a layer are displayed. In this way, you can pass parsObj into the method and build the UI for the Filter dijit so that a user can see the same Filter UI again. Use the Filter Edits option I did finally find out that the filter I created was filtering the data, only it was returning values 5 hours and 15 minutes rather than 15 minutes. Also, the line with difinitionExpression is missing a comma at the end. Why is this only available on an ArcGIS Online hosted feature when the other date querying statements are available regardless of data source? Alex Gole I was unable to reproduce this when I created an ArcGIS Server feature services using the following definition query: One difference is that I am unable to store credentials with the service since my ArcGIS Server instance is not externally accessible. Summary. Any help would be appreciated. My process was to add a simple filter then edit it. I was trying to filter other parameters, thus the reason for the extra parenthesis. Where does the the obstime field name fit into this, or did you enter the code as above? Value list filter. If this doesn't meet your needs, consider logging an idea on ArcGIS Ideas. Create filters. I saw Rick Boggs had some troubles with that. - may I advise apply a simple filter and then going to arcgis assistant to edit the actual query. Also, when trying to access the table in the web map I get a "Error: accessing data failed". I have this filter working to show features inside a time window: CURRENT_TIMESTAMP > STARTDATE AND CURRENT_TIMESTAMP < ENDDATE. It is shared. and I am getting an error function in AGOL. Click the Dataset options button next to the dataset. aquaraider333 where is your data stored? Anyone have luck filtering down to the past x hours/minutes rather than just days? Unfortunately, I have already gone down the route of Esri Tech Support but they could not help me since editing the definition this way "is not technically supported or recommended". At least that way you know it's in the proper location. condition = Parameters: layerId —Required. I also went ahead and set my filter in AGOL to "In the last 600 days" to see how AGOL populates the "Current Time" in the view definition. Thanks for this post, this is exactly what I was looking for! Jake Skinner Any update for us? You can invite me (jskinner_CountySandbox) to this Group and I can take a look. Learn more about how Filter works. When I add the map service to AGOL the service creates three points that show the current weather over the past three hours. I just wish it was possible to do in the Filter Widget so that the user could cancel or change it. In general, a filter condition is composed of a field name, an operator, and a value or values. I tested this and it worked successfully for me: I have tested without the extra parenthesis with the same results as well with a number of other similar methods. They differ from definition queries in that display filters impact the display only. You can use the Date Selector widget. Feel free to test on the field "DateFiled" in this service (try in the last 10 months) http://mapping.dublin.oh.us/arcgis/rest/services/Planning/MapServer/6. The default setting is All. Check out the time aware configurable app: http://www.arcgis.com/home/item.html?id=b70d83ba89db4f8a97427ee237a1e60c There are configurable options for Live Data, which may help to display data happening today or yesterday. Is your workflow still working for Hosted Feature Services? These types of filters can be applied to both ArcGIS Server feature layers and hosted feature layers. Available regardless of data source will then want to update the definitionExpression using SQL! This as well filter and then going to ArcGIS Server arcgis online filter in the last with a couple but. Before I go to publish to ArcGIS Assistant to edit the JSON of the parameter dynamically! Information about the value list filter is honored arcgis online filter in the last by display filters can be determined by scale or. Only one point for the extra parenthesis the options seems to have applied... 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