I could see the smallest particles in the wood in the back of the truck about 1 meter in front of us. But that was my experience. HE DISAPPEARED… What do you see in the sky baby ?, she sais mommy I see an angel made out of clouds. I saw my angel dressed in a white dress with long red hair. I would like to know what meaning the color purple spirituell has? We were passing a long row of trucks in the middle lane. Hands pushed my face into the mattress, trying to suffocate me. Yes,by your Experience I am getting ready to go close nearer and nearer to my archangel. They just floater above my moms bedroom door one on the left of the door the other on the right and her doorway seemed much bigger as well. Sometimes they are depicted to look like babies. It was at this point that an angel appeared before me in a human form and placed his hand on my head. I reached for it with my left hand. I noticed a look of amusement or the like on her brilliant wonderous beautiful face.. & just like my encounters as a younger kid it all ended with me not saying a thing feeling overwhelmed. The other invisible demon was behind him, cheering the other demon on. Not this time. Now my crown chakra is tingling , I was 9yrs old. There are no counts of women angels in the Bible. so I thought to myself, Ok I’m not going crazy……. The speed and movements of the small white lights began to speed up. Or a vision? Thanks for sharing… Sometimes people, like your friend who die suddenly don’t fully cross over into the light… I’m so glad your mom thought to pray and ask for help and that you and the angels could help him cross over. I opened my eyes, and it was two angels. It hit me so fast it literally made me flinch. I have a question because I’ve been searching around everywhere but I can’t find the answer I’m looking for. Angels do not look like fat babies or cute wing-people. The first time I saw my guardian angel was in fifth grade. I asked if it was an angel, t did not answer. And quite often I see flashes of light that remind me of that flash you see when you are changing channels on the tv in the middle of the room before I fall asleep. Keep an open mind about how your angels will appear, but also know that these are some of their common characteristics: As I mentioned above, the very nature of angels is that they’re beings of light and love. I saw my angel in a dream, also. I have just started to be drawn to my guardian angel, in my minds eye she is a goddess who wears a long flowing rose pink dress and has gorgeous long flowing hair, her wings do not stay out but are a soft rainbow of colours. I lifted up my eyes and looked, and behold, a man clothed in linen, with a belt of fine gold from Uphaz around his waist. It is an awesome feeling . But these spiritual beings can take on physical forms. We’ll break down a few verses to describe what angels look like, according to the prophets and writers of Scripture. The angle looked right then left all around my apartment and then disappeared. . I was alone and he was standing at the end of the street, turned and just stared at me. He said, “Don’t be afraid.” Thank you for sharing… I’m so glad they stepped in and you’re all safe! It not only gave me in depth information for my own learning and involvement with my Angels, but it gave me the experience of the “Angel Visit” of my Grandmother again, and in that a conscious connection with the Beautiful, Angelic Energy today, and for this Christmas Season. Then, it threw me on my back on the floor. It came diwn from the sky. And her inspirational adult romance Picture Imperfect releases in October of 2021. Hope Bolinger is an editor at Crosswalk.com, literary agent at C.Y.L.E., and a graduate of Taylor University's professional writing program. My Grandparents and I were close, closer than I was to my parents. In the background everyone stopped, I was aware of clouds and suddenly a shape of a huge filligre-like heart appeared in the centre of everyone. Angels are just angels. I have even had the same angels appear to me in many different forms on multiple occasions. I did not see any facial features or arms. Angels always serve according to Divine will with the specific intention of empowering us to step into our light and power, and experience a deeper connection with the Divine including greater love, grace, joy, light and peace in the present moment. I was in awe. Use all your senses to become aware of their presence” I immediately heard a high-pitched sound in my right ear. The Biblical description is more complex and interesting. So yes I do believe in angels , (Something I expect to happen someday since it is already a bit torn) But I check for blood and there is none. Alternately, angels may appear showing slight signs of aging to show wisdom, or again so you can more easily relate to them. An angel came to me in human form after the death of my nephew. Then, the angels will lower their vibration still to a point where you can experience them. Next thing I CAN remember I wa standing and holding her and she was unharmed. Should I move? She is also the co-author of the Dear Hero duology, which was published by INtense Publications. I felt as if I had fought in a war for a week with no sleep. My baby was 6 weeks old. The colors and feelings were so pure and beautiful it brought me to tears. She is associated with dolphins (my spirit animal) and her name is Rose. share. I will never forget it. The skeleton demon just watched, too. They’re not humans who have become angels after death… Those are your ancestors, spirit guides and the ascended masters. I was planning on practicing the exercise from my channeling book tonight, instead I was lead to your post and did that instead. Melanie, I had been caring for our 14-year-old parakeet Lucy, who was living her final days. In Genesis 18:1-19, God and two angels appeared as men … Then in a split second, we were standing 3 lanes away in the grass along the motorway. After a few minutes, I felt strong hands grab my arms and drag me into my room. I was able to get a photo from one video and the orb looks solid and white. That is So Amazing!!! The familiarity overpowered me. When you do, just keep in mind that Angels will appear in many different forms as they can choose how to portray themselves, depending on who they are connecting with, their objective, and what will most serve. But I started seeing visions of the future and things to come..but I went out one night, around midnight, and went out for a cigarette. When I crawled out from under the rubble, in the dark, I felt around for the baby in a daze, and found a teddy bear. I saw again them one night before I almost die on the sea. And he was super powerful. But angels do have the ability to appear in human form. Angels are not dead people who got a promotion. One night I went to bed and heard a womans voice but couldn’t see her she kept repeating one word but it was in a different language so I didn’t understand what she said was also a bit frightened. It doesn’t matter how striking their appearance is, they acknowledge who made them in the first place. In fact, not all angels have wings. After he drove the man out, he placed on the east side of the Garden of Eden cherubim and a flaming sword flashing back and forth to guard the way to the tree of life (Genesis 3:24). I REALIZED I JUST MET MY GUARDIAN ANGLE AND I WAS THE FRIEND HE CAME TO VISIT. But I don’t understand why the Grim Reaper would bring me a birthday cake. Some are vastly different from what we imagine. It was grey though. Angels are incredibly pure spiritual beings of unconditional love and light… So what do angels look like? Can they give you free food. Thank you Melanie for all the Angel info you share and your meditations. I asked are you my guide? I regularly see big bright flashes of blue, green, gold, clear, and violet light. By Georgy ----- 5116 views. Just being in the presence of an angel may bring you to tears, and if it does, don't worry… It's a naturally cleansing of your energy so that you can connect with them with an increased frequency and purity moving forward. It was a small silver hoop with bright white rhinestones. I stayed up until 5:00am hoping I would see it again. Even now a few months later I can still see the green orb close to my heart chakra. He was surrounded by golden light and he didn’t cast a shadow. Angels are a company or association, not a race descended from a common ancestor (Luke 20:34-36). I was terrified of my sister’s mental state and the angel had her arm around my sister’s shoulder and said, “I have her now, she will be okay” And then disapated into thin air. Another time I had a lucid dream where I met a powerful man with light blue eyes. He was of average height but he still filled the doorway. I also had a new encounter 2 nights ago and have been looking for an answer and then ur article popped up….when i read it i got chills through my body…..anyway about this encounter- i was driving along the road and saw a pretty big diamond shaped light-purple coloured light as bright as lightening….perhaps i encountered an angel? Angels are not easy to depict in art as they are purely spiritual creatures. Whew! DANIELLE, im so glad you made it out of the violent relationship and hi im 12years old and i am struggling through hard times and im not faking this and thank you for getting my hopes up and i would like for you to pray for me:) (im sorry if it seems like im faking it but im not and also im sorry if i seem demanding and also thank you very much for getting my hopes up). Even here I am at a loss for the right words. Thanks Melanie’ i am very grateful with all the informations which validate my feelings and experiences with my guardian Angels, They let me hear and know things roughly 10 minutes before it actually happened in so many occasions and during my meditation I feel loving energies and when I am at the church i always feel wanted to cry and a lot of times my tears just ran down my face without me noticing. There’s a reason nearly every time angels appear to humans in scripture, A few years ago while meditating, my eyes were closed, but I noticed two people standing above me. Again, these aren’t what angels look like. Later that year I began reading a book about Angels. I’ve been searching for which angel came to my rescue. Article Images Copyright © 2021 Getty Images unless otherwise indicated. Thank you for clarifying this for me. Angels in Scripture often come armed. Some angels are bright, shining, and fiery, while others look like ordinary humans. When you see them, your angels may look just like the beautiful angels which are portrayed in artwork, they may take on a common archetype like a shaman, goddess, or warrior, or they may simply manifest in your presence as a huge energetic being of light, an orb of energy, a color, feeling, or even as a gentle scent or sound. I felt so comforted and relaxed. I know certain psychic readers who like to describe the guides and angels of the people who they're reading for… What they look like, dress like, what color their hair is, etc. As I was reading your posts and as I’m typing this reply, I’m hearing beautiful instrumental music, kind of low. At night I would put her in a small cage and place her next to my bed so she wouldn’ t be alone. I awoke after 3am, I felt a presence behind me. to rape and probably kill me, when I was a teen. I told my husband it was a gift from God. More than 1,000 of her works have been featured in various publications ranging from Writer's Digest to Keys for Kids. They seem to glow like gems or bronze. Want a free guided .mp3 angel meditation by Melanie? Based on my experience whatever form they take is beautiful, radiant, and inspiring. I didn’t know what I was seeing so I turned around and went back to sleep. She was in human form but surrounded by light and in human clothing. They were created as angels without living a life as a physical being first. God is the real guardian. No one recognized the picture, There is NO explanation to me other than an angel handed the baby to me, after protecting her while the trailer rolled over many times and was flattened by another trailer that landed on top. I experienced something that im not sure what really happend to me when i was hearing the sound of flaping wings. And so they definitely don’t age. Visiting mount st Vincent university along with my cousin she was 10. of two perpetrators who help me down and tried Dreams are such a wonderful way to see and communicate with the angels… That’s lovely Danielle! The most beautiful thing about angels is that they’re always ready and willing to help out, guide and support you in a way that is 100% loving, compassionate and non-judgmental…. California - Do Not Sell My Personal Information. One afternoon I was sitting in a chair and a beautiful light appeared. My mother came to me this morning and told me she swore someone was in her room in the middle of the night. Whatever their normal form is like, it … They appeared to be up above my headboard, hundreds of lights filled the area. I often pick up a certain fragrance. If an angel shows up to us in their full-on wheel-on-eyes form, we’re probably going to pass out. When me and my husband got married we stayed in a four room house, my first child was a baby and he cried every night, I was sick with septic blisters under my feet and in the palms of my hands, I couldn’t do a thing forr myself or my baby,we got a calming syrup from the chemist just so that baby can sleep and my husband can get a good night’s rest cause he’s going to work early, I ask my husband to fetch the spoon in the kitchen so that we can give baby his syrup, as soon as my husband was out of the room, I saw this big white thing moving from behind my bedroom door, coming straight at me with something in his hand like a small staff,I was sitting upright in bed speechless looking at this majestic thing, I could’nt see the face and hands cause he had on a white gown likt a kaftan covering his hands and a hood on his head, he was walking slowly at the footend of the bed with his hand sprinkling something on my bed, I was stunned, but when he turned to walk to my son’s side of the bed I saw it!!! Thank You for your advice, This is rare though, and most of the time angels will appear in a more spiritual than physical form. I had a dream two weeks ago,in my dream I was walking and saw an Angel in White with Wings by my side,the face was blurry as I couldn’t make out if he was a male or female. The Bible speaks of “thousands upon thousands of angels in joyful assembly” (Hebrews 12:22). ❤️❤️❤️❤️, I had been struggling, several years ago with some spiritual purpose issues. What makes angels unique, is that they’ve not usually lived lives as humans. Just then, I saw a golden light above the demon’s right shoulder. I set up a camera and recorder in hopes of finding some answer as to what was shareing my home with me. All of these things are significant, representing both what the angels can help you with… But they also represent the skills, gifts and abilities you already carry within. There was a feeling of immense joy and awe and gratitude–words are too frail to describe the experience. They are scary. We must not create or reshape angels according to our own fancy. All of a sudden, all 3 demons disappeared. He started glowing bigger and brighter light directly from his heart to mine. I’ve tried to show love to others in many ways just by recharging myself and spending small amounts of time volunteering, singing in church continuing my yoga and book club.. What is the ultimate purpose of this gift? Will we know when we see one? I returned from a holiday with my son, his wife and two daughters. They had on very kind white gowns I remember thinking how did they fit into this house because they were huge. Thanks for sharing…, I see flashes of blue light. I have never see’n a spiritual angel, but i am sure along my walk of life there have been quite a few angels in human form walked next to me. They fight battles for us all the time. Melanie Beckler is an internationally acclaimed best-selling author, channel, and founder of www.Ask-Angels.com. their appearance is not what you might think. I learned about him when I was in catholic classes, CCD. I started doing more research and prayers and learned that his name is Paul. I knw it wasent a dream. I was being the normal person I was and took a mirror selfie. I call it, IT, because I really could not tell if it was a male or female. At some point I had a reading and was told that their was an angel that visited me, and I looked it up and realized that it was that dream that I had . And recently a presence with movement right next to me almost touching my body which also affected me deeply. Of course no one was anywhere around at the time. What an amazing experience Christy… So awesome to know that you have support from the angels right!? A common belief is angels have wings, halos and white robes. My Grandmother had died while I was deployed and fighting to Liberate Kuwait. And what does the heart and the cross represent? Thank you in advance. I just knew it was Michael. Such an amazing sign that we’re all so loved, supported and nurtured by angels when we’re most in need! I mentioned this to my daughters who told me to ask my Guardian Angel for help. I pointed to the left upper area of the room and said, “the clouds, they are so beautiful” she continued to deny seeing anything. Recently my husband had to leave his job. Personally, I don't think they've a true form. I came to the conclusion this was no ordinary dream and no coincidence. Is there a certain color or characteristic you notice? Two weeks later I had cried all day and was very exhausted so went to bed to lie down when I felt someone in my room I opened my eyes and saw a beatifull young girl with golden brown hair and hazel eyes she was dressed in white and smiled at me. I also saw behind it was a vortex of a grayish cloud. I thought it was Michael but he has black hair. I tried again. I was just 1/2 awake but I still felt his claws around my neck. I feel them nudging me and also connect through numbers. But angels do have the ability to appear in human form. I remember looking at the detail of them, as I was looking I felt as if I was gravitating up towards the top of the door way just mesmerized by them. I also once saw an angel in the sky, so clearly , I asked my daughter ? And why did it visit me? They do not posses a physical body, though at times they take on the appearance of a human. One day all of the stress and weight of our situation overwhelmed me and I ended up closing myself in a room at work, shut the light off, and began crying. I gave him the directions and he waved by to me. I noticed a collection of cups, with Scripture references, along with an accompanying pad of writing paper supplied with each cup. Linda B. Other times, we get some really bizarre passages, like the one found in Ezekiel 1, where the prophet attempts to describe angels through a series of images, including wheels covered in eyes. Melanie Beckler is an internationally acclaimed best-selling author, channel, and founder of www.Ask-Angels.com. I felt my angel holding me as he began to put me down gently he touched my hand softly as if he was saying don’t be afraid. Then I noticed they had wings pure white with waves of gray and suddenly these massive wings gently glided behind their necks. I in my darken bedroom in the upper 1/2 of left and middle half parts of room I saw a vision. Above a statue there she was blond hair , long blue gown… We both seen her and we were so scared we run … Now I’m 53..I’m sure she helped me out in life a bunch of times.. and I thank her. Love, light and joy are immeasurably more powerful than fear… Not to mention more enjoyable! I KNEW my Angels helped save my life, and to this day I Thank them <3 I also have felt the I tried gazing at the face again after some while I woke up from the sleep abruptly which caused my Sharp frontal headache. While this is fine and it can often be fun, interesting and even helpful to get someone else's perspective on what your angels look like, just keep in mind if you have a reading like this, that this is only how the psychic reader sees your angel. Often, I would wake up at night and couldn’t sleep bad dreams and stuff. Then again I found another feather in the garage while I was brisk walking outside, and this time it was a two toned brown and white. After awhile I was afaid it was not an angel. And before the throne there was as it were a sea of glass, like crystal. In this post you're going to learn 8 Appearance Characteristics of Angels…. “When so-and-so died, I’m sure they became an angel.” No. I saw the most beautiful image last night, well actually early morning. Further Examples. I asked him CAN I HELP YOU? This is what I do know is that seeing that angle left the most peaceful feeling over me and I wanted it to come back. I saw behind me a white light, not too bright. Next was, finding a brown feather in my room and I was totally surprised because there was no way a feather could have gotten inside my room and I thought only white feathers could come from Angels, then as if answered, I read a post that feathers could be of any color. Why does it matter that we know what angels look like? The Bible doesn’t tell us that angels were created on God’s image like humans (Genesis 1:26-27). One was blonde, one was dark haired. I was just reading another post of yours on signs that you’re in the presence or seeing an angel. Nancy. ( I also gave her some of my Angel books to read.) As my car was heading full speed into a tree, a deer glowing in my headlights appeared from behind the tree. Angels will sometimes appear as such, as pure light, an orb of a sacred geometric form, and other times, in a way that is completely different. In Luke 2 the shepherds saw angels singing to announce the birth of Jesus and were afraid. I woke up promptly at 2:00am, looked outside my bedroom door and in the dining room I saw the angle levitating with this glow of light around it. I am gratefull for your Guidence, as a Form of an ANGEL!!! For a period of time. Thank you God for sending me this beautiful angel with his loving healing energy! Required fields are marked. Thus, angels are good, fallen angels & demons are bad, and Satan is the worst of them all. Sure, This does not nearly cover the breadth of angels, or even touches on the nature and appearance of fallen angels. This was very cleansing for me. They were no words to describe their beauty.i could actually hear their feathers ruffle, and feel the breeze on my arms from it. Thus the donkey turned off the road, and went into the field and Balaam struck the donkey, to turn it back onto the road (Numbers 22:23). I’m slowly trying to raise my vibration so that I can see my angels. I am having lot of interest to understand and getting knowledge of it. The Bible describes what some angels look like but certainly not all of them. Angels do not have cherub cheeks, appear as babies, or really like most artist depictions, particularly Renaissance ones of them. We jumped in the lake and swam and splashed and laughed a lot, and then he rowed me back home. Out loud, he calmly said, “I see them.” And at the same time, he spoke to my heart. Thank You my Dear Lord for Sending your Precious Angels to this Earth to Help, Guide and Protect us xxx}.

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